UF decision 2012 Spring TRANSFER - accepted/denied

<p>Congrats xoxo!!! What’s your major? I’m in for journalism, so excited! I am definitely going to need roomies. I was thinking of either a 3 or 4 bedroom and getting all randoms (which makes me nervous and excited at the same time haha). And yeah, District on 62nd has really cool gifts for signing leases (the cruise and such) but I hear the road is on is a pain and it’s one of the further ones from campus. I’m definitely looking for an apartment on Archer Rd. Keep me updated! :)</p>

<p>@tin: yeah hopefully assuming everything goes. actually, i dont know what the plan is. right now, all i can say is im focusing on transferring :p</p>

<p>graphic I have a friend who lives at the district, she likes it but I have heard bad stories about it as well! and I want to find an apt on archer as well! and I think randoms will be fun! unless they are terrible, antisocial, blah blah. haha
I heard the estates are nice but I think it’s a little further as well. so nervous about getting the right apartment…! </p>

<p>and tinuv thank you! I will have to look into that!</p>

<p>my major is sociology by the way! :)</p>

<p>ahh I know I would die if I got antisocial roommates! haha. I have friends in Gainesville Place and University Club and they love both of them. The friend I have in GP says she wished she had signed at Enclave though because the closets in GP are small (which is kind of a turn off!). I toured GP a few months back and it was really nice so I’m definitely leaning toward one of those three :)</p>

<p>enclave! yeah my friend who lives at the districts says she wished she moved there! how much a month are those two? do you know?</p>

<p>414-469 a month for a 4/4 ! that’s not bad! at gainesville place!</p>

<p>Gainesville Place and University Club are both around $430 I believe and Enclave is around $550 because the largest they have is a 3 bedroom. All 3 of them are all-inclusive too!</p>

<p>wow that place does look nice! and they have a free printing lab!</p>

<p>Which one? Enclave? And yes! That’s the beauty of living in Gville because the apartments are really reasonable! and I’m not sure why but I just noticed that you love to shop according to your username LOL um… saying I love to shop would be an understatement to the extreme.</p>

<p>haha yeah trying to save money now instead of buying clothes sucks! but I’ll message you on here so everyone doesn’t get mad at us filling this thread lol .</p>

<p>k I got your message but I don’t think mine are sending? They aren’t showing up in my sent folder. If they are sending I’m going to feel really dumb haha</p>

<p>I was hoping to change it to something in the journalism school. I’ve been in class all day, but I’ll call tomorrow and let everyone know what they said. Would suck to take summer classes. I’d rather keep doing internships during summers :s</p>

<p>please do keep us updated Scotus!</p>

<p>I just called the advising office and was told that I would not be allowed to change majors, even if they are within the same school. Also asked about double majoring and was told I had a better chance of being approved of that, but it would depend heavily on what major it was (guessing they want to make sure you graduate on time). The big envelope they sent me, which I finally got, reiterates the above. It also mentions that the acceptance is only valid for a specific semester/school/major.</p>

<p>So yeah… not sure if I want to shell out an extra eight grand in a boring (from what I’ve heard) town to study something I’m losing interest in. Did they forget transfers apply like a year in advance? Thats like a decade for a teenager!</p>

<p>Hi I’m going to PBSC right now i have a 3.7 GPA, I’m in the honors program, and I did a summer internship and the state attorneys office. I applied August 24th, and just three days ago, I called and they said I was accepted but i still haven’t gotten my official message. Has this happened to anyone else? lol let me know!</p>

<p>Maxine19921: It took about two weeks from the time I was accepted (via online status checker) to receive the physical envelope. It doesn’t have anything in it that you wouldn’t know otherwise.</p>

<p>Hey Scotus, thanks for letting us know. I had also emailed my would be advisor and asked if I could specializations within the major (much different from switching to different majors). In this case she said it would be considerable only if I already had any different prereqs completed before transfer. Yes it just sounds as if UF wants to ensure that we graduate within a very set time frame- understandable.
Good luck on whatever new major you choose.</p>

<p>Hi Maxine, welcome to the thread and congratulations on your acceptance! Where is PBSC? And what major/college did you apply to? Would you mind sharing your stats with us?</p>

<p>Also what did you say when calling to ask about the decision? I have called CALS once to ‘kinda check’, but the lady refused to say anything other than what the deadline for notice of decision was. hmm…
I would love to be able to call and get some answer, since I have read more than once online that people can get decisions over the phone, when their online status may not have been updated for weeks. As if the decisions are made early on, but then it takes weeks for someone to change things in the system…</p>

<p>Yea basically they said i had been accepted and to expect a acceptance letter online. I go to palm beach state college, and my major is criminology. weird…</p>