<p>and right now the application page is down…</p>
<p>hopefully that means something good.</p>
<p>and right now the application page is down…</p>
<p>hopefully that means something good.</p>
<p>a whole lotta nothin for me</p>
<p>same here</p>
<p>@ wvvet. What do you plan on pursuing with your animal sciences major?</p>
<p>Vet school. How about yourself?</p>
<p>Denied…this Wenesday I got the news around 8:00. Good luck to everyone else. </p>
<p>I don’t get it Community College AA degree Transfer, 4.0 pre-prof gpa(some pre req class were unavailable at my school), I had a 3.63 GPA honors society, Junior Achievement Program, good essay…oh well.</p>
<p>Reasons for denial:
Board of Gov reduction mandate and not as competitive with others in applicant pool.</p>
<p>I applied to CLAS Political science Fall 2009</p>
<p>I guess I have to settle for USF… I wonder if that will affect me from getting into a good law school now…very depressing.</p>
<p>I’m sorry to hear that, anyone can succeed anywhere if they really want something. Good luck.</p>
<p>Your failure to do the pre reqs was the reason.</p>
<p>I had to go to an online school to take my last one</p>
<p>MS in Tropical Wildlife Conservation and then hopefully on to a beautiful locale… I’m assuming you want to practice large animal medicine?</p>
<p>Not really although I’m open to everything at this point, i want to get exposure to everything. And getting into vet school should be easier from UF than WVU. Wildlife conservation is something i’ve considered as well that will be alot of fun, but i worked at a vets and fell in love with the work so thats the road i’m on. Hopefully the admissions dept feel generous enough not to temporarily derail it.</p>
<p>Yea I hope not… The suspense… is to much to handle</p>
<p>I just hope i find out before i leave school up here… that way i dont feel like i have that being in limbo feeling during the first part of the summer.</p>
<p>i plan on using zoology to get into vet school for large animal medicine. Preferably marine mammals through the aquatic animal health program</p>
<p>very cool. In theory you dont even need to get a bachelors degree to get into vet school, as long as you have the pre reqs. I like emergency medicine alot so i think that is what i’m leaning towards slightly.</p>
<p>technically u don’t need a bachelor’s degree. however, the president of the school of veterinary medicine said they don’t like for you to complete all your pre reqs at a community college, and also if i get my bachelor’s degree, i’ll have something to fall back on in case i don’t get into vet school on my first try. Bad thing about vet school is they only take applications once a year, so if you don’t get in you have to wait a year before you can try again.</p>
<p>“The Warrington College of Business Administration admits transfer students who have completed their AA degree from a state of Florida community college. The college does not accept students from other universities or out-of-state schools. Transfer applicants will not be admitted in Spring 2009; however, beginning Summer 2009, transfer students will be admitted in the fall, spring, and Summer C terms. Transfer students who are admitted to UF as non-business majors cannot change their major to business.” </p>
<p>If you are coming from a 4 year university and you are a business major, you are getting denied. Sucks to be me. I have been waiting 4 months for a decision. lol</p>
<p>[Prospective</a> Students - School of Business - Warrington College of Business Administration](<a href=“http://www.cba.ufl.edu/sb/admissions/]Prospective”>http://www.cba.ufl.edu/sb/admissions/)</p>
<p>^you didn’t know about this before you applied, I assume. For future applicants, make sure you do your research before applying.</p>
<p>@ florida</p>
<p>what you say makes sense, i didnt go to a CC, and i was still bouncing around a ton of different major before finding what i enjoyed so i couldnt finish a year early at this point due to chemisty. I was just stating the fact that major doesnt matter all that much. If I dont get in i’ll probably work where i work now for a full year or go for a masters depending on what they would deny me for lol.</p>
<p>Seeing as we’re probably not getting any notifications this weekend, what are you looking forward to during the draft.
-Favorite team and who you want them to pick and favorite player where you think they’ll go.</p>
<p>Personally i just wanna see pat white goon the first day, to the texans would be amazing but i doubt that will happen.</p>
<p>I figure something to take our minds of the UF stuff.</p>
<p>good idea, except my main interest in the draft is to see where Percy is going to go. lol. Also i want to see the Dolphins continue to rebuild the team, because we can’t hope for an easy schedule like last year or for Tom brady to get hurt again, not to mention now T.O. is in our division too, so i just want to see what the big tuna does. Also interested to see if Sanchez goes number 2, or if the jets grab him i really hope not.</p>