UFE letters are on their way

<p>Some finalists have received their letters from UFE. Best of luck to all of you who participated in interview weekend. Word on the street is that this year had some of the brightest and best. Heard they were all fantastic!
There’s also word that UFE will now be offered as a minor, much like CBHP. All of the details are not finalized but that’s an exciting enhancement in the works. </p>

<p>Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Good luck!!! </p>

<p>Not sure if all were, but at least one CBHP was sent yesterday. :D</p>

<p>Congratulations, MommyDearest!</p>

<p>CBH classes are DS’s favorite hours of the week.</p>

<p>Roll Tide</p>

<p>Two CBHP congratulatory emails received yesterday. Happy girls with tough choices to make.</p>

<p>Good luck to all UFE and CBHP!</p>

<p>Thanks, NRDMOM and congrats to Mom2twins’ girls. S is very excited too!</p>

<p>Double congrats to Mom2twins and D’s. Isn’t it great these are the kinds of tough choices they are making?</p>

<p>Roll Tide! Roll Tide!</p>

<p>OOS letters are starting to arrive – Looks like we will have DS at Alabama, and a DD at … Auburn! (cue the snickers). I guess I’m going to need one of those ‘house divided’ stickers for the back of my car. :wink:
Roll Tide, and W.E.</p>

<p>Roll Tide and What ever? (JK)</p>

<p>To those getting acceptances in UFE and CBH… Congratulations!!!</p>

<p>Just a reminder to those who are not accepted, there are still plenty of wonderful opportunities at The University of Alabama, please don’t be deterred from a terrific educational experience. You will achieve great things!</p>

<p>Roll Tide!</p>

<p>UA’s Honors College Selects University Fellows for Freshman Class</p>

<p>The University Fellows Experience, housed in the Honors College at The University of Alabama, has selected 37 prospective freshmen members.</p>

<p>The Honors College selected these members from a pool of more than 620. The selected members represent 15 different states, two countries and 35 different high schools.</p>

<p>The University Fellows Experience is a vibrant community of highly talented undergraduates. Following the classical purpose of education — the production of good citizens — this program strives to prepare the most able and dedicated students at UA for leadership and service to their community, state, nation and world.</p>

<p>See full listing of students by following the link below :)</p>

<p>[University</a> of Alabama News » UA?s Honors College Selects University Fellows for Freshman Class](<a href=“http://uanews.ua.edu/2013/03/uas-honors-college-selects-university-fellows-for-class-of-2017/]University”>http://uanews.ua.edu/2013/03/uas-honors-college-selects-university-fellows-for-class-of-2017/)</p>

<p>Congrats to all UFE applicants and selected Fellows!</p>

<p>WOW! Great! Have they always published the names and given so much information in the past? (Every year, it seems, people are always asking how many applicants they have, and where they all come from, etc. Now we know.) This is good info for future families to see that these kids are from different areas. Congrats to everyone! :)</p>

<p>Congrats to those students selected! On a side note, 5 from Illinois, wow, that’s a lot from out state, speaks well of the students here!</p>

<p>I’m sure it’s just a coincidence, but it’s interesting that there are no students from any of the northeastern states. With so many more kids from the northeast starting to attend UA now, it’s a little surprising.</p>