UM Early Decision I

No one knows lol, we will all know very soon.

@soccermom67 That’s what happened to me last year. I think it’s good news! I had communications that was there one minute and gone the next all day until 5 PM when I got the official word. Congratulations it’s great to be a Miami hurricane!

@soccermom67 what are your stats?

I dont wanna jump the gun. This makes me so nervous. I hate college application process

@soccermom67 obviously dont wanna jinx it but just jwing, what are your stats?

Weighted: 3.9
SAT 1210
Im not very smart my mom works there and my mom went there I think that would be the only reason I would get in. I have good rec letters tho and i think my essay was pretty good and different (if i do say so myself oops)

ya you know id say you have a good chance even though you SAT is a bit low.

just wondering @soccermom67 @sealevels @cbellamy1998 i just opened accept decline financial awards and it is showing 2018 award access not available, do any of you have or had it?

Hey guys, good luck tonight!
I applied ED to Miami last year, got deferred, then accepted in April.
Here are my stats if it helps:
3.7 unweighted GPA, 30 ACT
Tons of volunteer and extra curricular activities,
From very competitive public high school in CT
Applied as Graphic Design major.
Hope to see you on campus next year, it’s great to be a Miami hurricane!

Yeah I did summer scholars an got 6 credits. I do a lot of Community service, play sports, and do dance. My SAT isn’t the best and the only reason I would get in would be because of my mom so honestly I guess we’ll see

I have a 3.5UW 26 tons of community service, good ECS. Im really banking on the fact that no one from my area(rural South GA), has ever went to the U and my counselor there said they are always looking to broaden their horizons, so we will see so so anxious.

My grades are way on the lower end too.I do go to a competitive Jesuit college prep school. With my extracurriculars
-I am a Brazilian jiu jitsu blue belt and train 10 hours a week.
-My big hook is that I founded a non-profit organization that has raised over $20,000 and we started a scholarship at our local community college, donated to local causes.
With my non-profit ventures I was named Youth Philantropist of the year by association of fundraising professionals (Fall 2016)
-I am the president of the business club at my school.

  • My reccomendations should be great. The president of my school (a Jesuit that used to work at Gtown) wrote my letters.
  • My essay was about a failed business venture I tried to embark upon as a sophomore in HS, how I failed, and what I learned for it.
  • I reached out to the admissions representative for my region and expressed my interest for UM.

I know we are all super nervous since this is obviously our #1 choice school.


@soccermom67 how did u find out already?

Did they send u an email?

i havent recieved anyything yet

Yea same ^

where will we be able to find it?

@soccermom67 howd u find out?