UM Early Decision I

GL to you all, I applied EA so once you guys hear please post stats so I can see where I stand. The U is college goals

Do any of you guys have any new information? I hope it’s today.

nothin yet mate, hoping for today.

I didn’t apply to Miami lol but my friend (who EDed to Miami) and I just called and the admissions counselor said they will start releasing them today until January 1st. So some of you will know by today, but everyone will know by Jan 1st.

Im got 3 new Communication messages today but they all have to do with Financial Aid but I can’t open any of them and one says FA Award Eligibility Letter.

@soccermmom67 from what I heard from a previous comment that means you got in.

Just got off the phone if you got all your financial aid documents in (if you applied for financial aid),they come out at 5pm Eastern Time.


If u didn’t apply for finacial aid u should get it the same time

does that mean that all the people who didnt get that notification didnt get in

ya i didn’t apply for financial aid, and they said tonight 5.

if you dont have the notification messages like soccermom got, does that mean you did not get in?

ya i didn’t apply for financial aid, and they said tonight 5.

Im not sure Jrose, I didn’t get any notifications either.

Then again I didn’t apply for financial aid so, the notifications were for financial aid.

thats not the question. my question is i didnt apply for financial aid either, i didnt get a notification on my canelink yet like soccer mom did, so what does that mean?

@cbellamy1998 but they also had an award in it so it def means something

I guess we will find out soon.

Is EA coming out today as well?

Now all that stuff is gone??? And a thing called 17-18 Business Farm Supplement was added to my To-Do list but i’m employee dependent and I didn’t even need to apply for financial aid but I did. This is all so confusing god I’m so stressed