UMich Deferral Class of 2025

@Knowsstuff will do!

@erd1020 - wow! that is SOME school principal. I’m curious if a private school or public, Large or small? That is something that could be life-changing to these kids, whether they be top 25 or not!

my daughter was also deferred (Engineering), and was asked to write the ECI essay. It says it is optional… my guess is it probably isn’t!

her quick stats: 1570 SAT, 4.0 unweighted, 4.76 weighted GPA (including all science, math, and CS APs, she is currently taking linear algebra/ multivariate calculus online).

@hmmnotsure1 public hs, very large diverse, mixed urban/suburban district, 2400 kids, she is 10/600.


Anyone know if deferred students are required to send mid-year grades unless specifically requested by AO? Is there anyone who submitted the essay but didn’t send grades? Thanks!

Does anyone have a clue when the first batch of decisions will come out for previously deferred students? My guess is 2/19 or 2/26 but that is just based on previous years.

We’re curious as well. My daughter was just sent an email about scheduling a Hail interview. The interviews will take place Feb 19-March 21st. I’m not sure if that would be after the next waive of announcements or not.

Yep we just realized they sent this form
to all engineering applicants and the deferred ones since they’re now part of the RD round and assumed the same thing. If the sign up deadline for the interview is that late then how likely is it to have a decision prior to the interview window? But no matter, we will go in with expectation now not to hear before then and if he does then it’s an unexpected surprise.

@midwestmum i am almost positive it says have your guidance counselor upload grades. I will double check.

It sounds like it is up to you! Michigan’s website says you have three options if you are postponed: 1) submit nothing and hold tight for decisions; 2) submit the EOCI form OR have your guidance counselor submit grades; 3) submit BOTH EOCI and grades.

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@erd1020 If you want to give yourself the best shot then you should submit your grades. It seems like it should be automatic at this point to just submit them to every deferred school, waitlist, or RD school, especially to let a school know you’re still interested and that you didn’t totally flop.

I’ve also heard that some schools are looking at grades to see how kids are doing during remote schooling, if their schools are still remote (or hybrid) to see how they might fare if that were the situation at the colleges next fall.

any College of Engineering deferred applicants get an email for an interview. Hearing some have, but not sure if everyone…My son didnt receive an email.

Anybody get a financial aid email?

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Our high school sends mid-term grades to everyone they sent the original transcript to that is still active in our naviance account (i.e. you haven’t been denied or withdrawn your application).

Doesn’t common app automatically send them the midterm grades/report as long as it was listed under the things for your counselor to send (and assuming the counselor posted it to common app)? In other words, does a downloaded ‘midyear report’ mean that they have the fall grades?

I don’t see that on my son’s common app. I do see in Navaiance his CC marked she sent the mid-term grades

If you go back into the Michigan app in common app and click on recommenders, there’s a box that shows what they want from your counselor. It should show that the midyear report was downloaded on a particular date. I’m wondering if that suffices as far as sending fall grades, or if something else needs to be done. Hmmm

ah, yes, I see it now. No, that means they have it. I know the date posted is the date they were sent out by our college counselors.

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Yes- same here. I see mid year grades were downloaded from common app but is there a way to check in the Michigan portal?

We had to notify our counselor to upload the transcript to the common app after one school required it come that way as opposed from parchment which is how our school sends them. Even though that school downloaded it from parchment they didn’t mark it received until the counselor stuck it in common app!