UMich Deferral Class of 2025

does anyone know if a wave comes out this Friday?

question about the waves, I assume it will be admit only for some and then others will just not hear until another wave? Or is it admit/deny/waitlist/postpone again?

Priors years, a deferred EA applicant might not hear in the 1st or even 2nd wave. But this year they may handle things differently, since EA was delayed for over a month.

That makes sense, I just wanted to make sure it wasn’t unexpected not to hear during a release wave (i.e. they don’t just postpone you again)

Hi Sushiritto, your comments are always so helpful

Are ‘waves’ done on a first come (first to apply) first serve (decision) basis, or do they gerenally admit the stronger more qualified candidates in earlier waves?

Also, how do they decide on how many to accept in subsequent waves if accepted EA and early wave applicants don’t have to commit til May? Or do many commit as early as possible?

My child has a well-rounded application (breadth of ECs including sports/music, heavy volunteer w PVS award), great essays, and great but not phenomenal stats (SAT 1520, only 1 B in HS, many APs). We were disappointed in a postponement during EA but not totally surprised since we come from a heavy instate feeder school with many outstanding applicants

Thx for offering any insight, and best of luck to all the other families in waiting

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I’m pretty sure most people would call a 1520 SAT and 1 B phenomenal. Give your kid more credit! Well done.


Thanks, I try. :slight_smile:

You may want to visit the Class of 2023 or Class of 2024 EA threads, since I posted some basic stats there from prior classes, collected from the various CC “waves.”

But from memory, the February and March waves were about equal in numbers here on CC. Almost 100% acceptances, again IIRC. The 3rd wave (April) consisted almost entirely of waitlisted and rejected applicants. Again, this is wacky year, so prior historical patterns may be meaningless this year.

I can only speculate, but I really doubt acceptances are first come first served. UMich likely already has one pile of the “next to be accepted” and another pile of applicants that will have to “wait longer.” And I’m sure it’s all based on their computer modeling/algorithm about past, present and future yield, demographics, etc.


I edited my last post. The 3rd wave was released on or about April 1st, not March (2nd wave). With the same caveat about this year being an odd one.

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Hi, Sushiritto,
Thank you very much for your posts. They are really helpful for us to get some insight.
In your earlier post you mentioned “a deferred EA applicant might not hear in the 1st or even 2nd wave”. Here you said “The 3rd wave (April) consisted almost entirely of waitlisted and rejected applicants.” Is it a fair assumption that a deferred EA applicant most likely would not be accepted?

postponed doesn’t mean waitlisted or rejected necessarily, I don’t think that’s what they were implying.

In past years, a deferred EA (now considered RD) or post-11/16 RD applicant who has not heard a decision in either the February or March waves, then that last wave in April would likely be a decision of waitlisted or rejected. But I hate to say it again, this year may be different than past years.

I put bullet items in the ECI instead of another essay for all the updated information about me. Is that OK?

I think my son did something similar. It highlights your updates as well and takes out a lot of unnecessary verbiage.

Thank you!

Haha, YW, now let’s hope they agree!! :slight_smile:

I don’t think this has been asked here yet; apologies if it has.

With regard to the mid-year report, will straight As (Honors/AP courses) necessarily have a positive impact on D’s application? Or is UM “expecting” to see straight As?

I can’t imagine it would have a negative impact, and can only have a positive one. Not everyone at UM has straight A’s nor do all applicants that are postponed earn straight A’s first semester of senior year, so I would just take it as it at least can’t hurt. That’s our attitude.

Also, we’ve heard rumors that colleges are also looking at grades more closely for schools that are remote as a measure in determining if a student is doing well or not with remote schooling in case they may still be in a remote type of setting next Fall. If true, that’s an interesting take on things, but makes sense as a lot of kids are really struggling with remote and some schools don’t want to or won’t make accommodations for that. I have one kid who’s school won’t and another where there are a lot of complaints by students about the remote and push for pass/fail grades against the school’s wishes.

Your latter point is interesting, I never considered that they may be analyzing grades that way. My D is hybrid, 2 days in person, 3 days virtual. I honestly don’t even know if that’s something that was disclosed in the counselor’s report or mid-year grades. I told my D to make sure she got all As first semester, both for any deferrals and her 1 Ivy RD. Hoping those grades, along with the LOCI and her original (high stat) application, are enough. :crossed_fingers:

I had asked the question of a college counselor about the remote and if we need to address and she said colleges know what is going on and which schools are and are not remote. My kid hasn’t set foot in his school this year. They are finally opening for hybrid in the next few weeks. He will be able to go for half days with half the students. One of his classes will only have 3 kids! One class 6. The teachers have no clue how to teach in ehybrid but it’s really not that hard and it’s workable. They just are very resistant. Our district arranged for every teacher to be vaccinated so they can’t use that excuse to not come back but they’re sure thinking up of everything else they can think of. I feel 100% safe in my school, but I admit, I was pretty nervous too at first, but after 2 days, I was comfortable.

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Hello! I know LOCIs were due a few days ago, and I submitted mine on time. I just have a few questions on what the portal looked like for everyone else after they submitted it.

Once I submitted mine, the home page on the portal still showed the “Verify Continued Interest Form” under the “Action Items” tab. After submitting my essay, the top of the page turned green and said “submitted”. I figured this meant it was submitted and disregarded the fact that it still showed up in the “Action Items” tab. (I did screen record the form with my essay and the submitted title just in case, lol) Then, once the Feb. 20th deadline passed, the entire form disappeared from my portal. Is this what happened to everyone? I’m worried mine showed up as submitted for me, but for some reason did not actually submit to Umich.

Basically, after submitting your LOCIs, did you completely lose access to the “Verify Continued Interest” form?