UMich Deferral Class of 2025

Did everyone basically get waitlisted or were there any actual rejections without waitlist option.
I can’t even imagine what the odds are of getting admitted from the list-- it seems pretty deep just with the population on here already.

umich went hard on the wl game, id assume that they would accept quite a lot from the waitlist this year, though. i feel like the umich admit students have a good shot at basically anywhere, including ivies. thus, it is unlikely for students to actually enroll at umich. take a grain of salt in it, i really would do anything legally allowed to get in from the waitlist. (which means all i can possibly do is wait or at maximum write a letter of continued interest)

oh my son was rejected, they are out there, they may just not be posting on this forum.

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Ya my friend was rejected. But waitlisting seems to be on steroids at umich this year.

Unfortunately, there were plenty of rejections, here on this thread and also on the “EA” and “RD” threads. Click on the magnifying glass above, click search “reject” or “rejection” on the 3 threads, and you’ll see a number of rejections.

also, for anyone that has good understanding about umich admissions, as the waitlist acceptance rate was very inconsistent over the years, how likely would a student to get off from the waitlist this year? looking back it is ironic how i got the final transcript line lmaooo maybe they looked again and realized that im crackhead. XD

Do we write a LOCI for the waitlist?

We know people (more than 1) who were actually rejected this past Friday, so they definitely did.

Michigan has been known to take kids off their waitlist as late as August so it can be a roller coaster of a summer for those waiting. The problem with accepting at that point is rooms are probably assigned, classes signed up for, etc. so it can be hard to get acclimated to the semester but if it’s a die hard do anything school for you then I guess you don’t care about that and you take it if offered.

For the record, my D18 was admitted EA (December 2017), submitted her housing app very early in the process and she/we waited for housing placement until the 1st week of August. And she was placed in West Quad. So, housing decisions are still being made at least up until 2-3 weeks of arrival on campus.

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That’s good to know. The parent group said you pick a preference of Central or North housing. The housing app is opening in April, but I think closes in June, then assignments made in July. Not sure what is normal, but not looking forward to that if that’s where we end up because it sounds like a lot of different permutations to consider. But one day at a time. :slight_smile:

I just wanted to say that unless things have changed, the date you submit your housing app doesn’t have anything to do with the date you’re assigned housing. So, for those still on the WL, don’t fret. You’ll be fine. And you’re not locked out of Central Campus, if that’s your desire.

The other thing that I’d mention, in terms of posts here on CC, the latest that I’ve seen anyone here come from the WL, within the past few years, was posted right around the Fourth of July holiday. I’m sure there are cases beyond that, but the bulk of WL decisions should be decided by 6/30.


that is frustrating… if i end up at uiuc, which i will likely commit by may 1st, i will end up at my sister 's apartment at uiuc and do one or two intro class online there during senior year summer. if they really would accept me by then, i guess i might as well decline it. however, since my application results are not ideal, i will waive credit from ap classes and consider transfer to umich. not sure if it would worth it at that point but i really would love to go to umich sometimes in my educational journey. they have fixed class schedule for first year art and design and the studio class size is always limited, so i am not too worry about signing up for “popular” intro classes.

I hope you get in. I wish you the best of luck.


I think transfer to UMich is not hard, jic.

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aw thanks u all, this means a lot to me. :)) if i end up doing great at uiuc, then i guess the umich waitlist is just a redirection in life, then id no longer considering transfer. there is always the opportunity to enjoy umich by graduate admission, though. Go Illini over Go Blue for now haha, even UIUC has barely any great sports team to cheer for. i really believe uiuc would be a blessing, though, their admission officer who signs acceptance letter REALLY USED MY CC COMMENT as a twitter material (for their zoom watch party on reddit and cc) and wished me good luck on stats quiz lmaooo.

Haha that’s a new level of connection with the school, a sense of belonging, I believe you’ll thrive at uiuc! Just keep in mind that the location is pretty isolated though so might think over if you like big city vibe

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It’s only about 2-1/2 hours from Chicago and just under 3 to St Louis. Seriously no big deal when you’re in college. The idea isn’t to go into the “big city” every weekend. My kid goes to college at UT-Austin and they aren’t running into downtown Austin constantly or much at all.

it is reasonable location, as im seriously considering graduate school. personally, location for undergraduate does not matter as far as it is not terrible and uiuc has decent distance to chicago…(excuse case western on that i hated it) thanks for the reminder! that is why i used to place nyu as my top choices. city life is a plus, but certainly not essential in my case. best wishes. aa is thus far the most beautiful college town ive visited, not a big big city, not rural, perfect for social life yet not overwhelming. >:( waitlist is just so random and i will keep praying and manifesting for us to be accepted sooner! maybe waitlist acceptance on april again!

if umich ao is looking at this forum, i wish you would consider me and i am so ready to Go Blue. Have a great day.

I agree with sushiritto. My son was admitted off of the waitlist last year and was placed in West Quad (right in the heart of Central Campus).