UMichigan Class of 2027 Official RD Thread

We have heard of a few in NYC - but it is an unusually high waitlist count in a city where we normally have quite a few admits at every school.

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My son has a friend who was deferred EA but was rejected today.

Rejected but I committed to UC Berkeley yesterday. That was my last pending decision and I am glad this chapter of the college process is over. What a ride with lots of highs and lows. Well, to be honest, one extreme high and lots of lows, but it only takes one.


Congrats to you!


Congratulations to everyone accepted. Congratulations to those making other plans. Your all going somewhere great!


rejected :frowning:
12 APs
6+ honors classes
32 ACT
Strong ECs
Nationally ranked track & field
Multiple national awards
National student emmy award, etc
Incredible essays
Strong LORs

Deciding between Wisco, McGill Honors, UF and Miami
Congrats to those who got in!


Same! Son waitlisted, Ohio State it is, w/scholarship OOS proud of my son.


That’s a joke screw Michigan!


Son was waitlisted OOS. Just a brutal day from what we are hearing. Very few acceptances, ton of waitlists. Still not sure what UMich is doing.

Anyway, been a fun ride with y’all, but we’ll be moving on. Good luck to all of your kids wherever they end up!


DD waitlisted LSA :expressionless:
Postponed EA
In state, non-feeder school
Legacy - both parents
1460 SAT
4.0 uw
3 APs + 5 honors
NHS officer
Michigan All-State Band member three times
Marching Band 4 years + section leader

She got a nice merit scholarship from Michigan State and will be enrolling there.

I’m so glad I went to college in the 90’s. This whole process is just unbelievable.


UM has made some horrible decisions with sibs applying and they are equally qualified applicants yet the best part is when UM sends the donor cards for $1k, $5k, $10k or $15k more what a joke UM is such a hot mess. I wouldn’t send them a penny after this year’s torture of applicants even with one OOS at UM. No respect it will catch up to admissions.


Cal Poly SLO is better than UM
I have a CP Grad and my youngest graduating from UM next month. CP SLO is the best bang for your buck and the kids get JOBS! Good Luck


Yes, I hear nothing but great things about SLO! Son really wanted OOS experience and the big rah rah football team, but it seems to be a 3 way tie right now. Good luck to everyone on your decisions! What a wild ride this year!


Son waitlisted after being deferred EA

4.0 unweighted
13 APs, mostly 5s and a couple 4s on exams
1580 SAT
Math major

Like others on here, he was admitted to only 1 of his reach schools. But he is happy to be UCLA bound!

We’re waxing down our surfboards


D18 graduated Michigan about a year ago. D21 is a sophomore at SLO.

SLO IS the best bang for your buck in CA, but better than Michigan? Completely different, but both are fantastic college towns. Football rules A2. SLO’s football team is awful. :rofl:


D23 OOS - Accepted - LSA

Accepted: Michigan, Northwestern, UCLA, Johns Hopkins, Amherst, Swarthmore and Wellesley

Waitlisted: Northeastern and BU.
Rejected: 4 Ivies


Northwestern and Johns Hopkins is where the fun goes to die! But all schools including these two are fantastic options. Congrats!!!

As everyone is saying, Wisconsin is the next Michigan. McGill in an awesome located but colder than Wisco. Don’t know UF. Miami worst on pocket book. All great options for different reasons, good luck and congratulations!!!

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So Michigan has 45 majors in the top 10. A few years ago when my son was there for industrial engineering (2),his entrepreneurship minor was ranked 4 and Sustainability was ranked something like 7. This is what sets Michigan apart from most publics.

But go to what’s affordable and has a great fit. Michigan is a really hard school and I can’t say this enough.

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Slo is a great school. Better? How? Best schools are affordable with a great fit. Not the name of the school. Beloit college is a fantastic school with great outcomes. Won’t hear much about it on these threads.

Instate Michigan is one of the best values out there. 45 undergraduate majors in the top ten. OOS it’s crazy expensive.

Congrats to your kids.