UMichigan Class of 2027 Official RD Thread

My daughter is in the Sport Management Immersion program that started in January 2023. Happy to answer any questions. Great program!


Anyone waiting on Ross?

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With the waitlist closing on the 17th, do we think there will be any movement prior to May 1st?

This is very good advice.

First of all, I feel the pain of all those high-achieving and hard-working kids and their parents who are going through what I think has been the most competitive and cruelest college admissions season.

I have gone through the college admissions process several times with my kids, and am thrilled that I am finally done with it this year. It has gotten more and more ridiculous in those 7-8 years with this year being absolute the worst in sheer arbitrariness.

Having gone through this waitlist game personally with my kids, it is far more productive and healthier for everyone to focus on choosing the right fit among the schools that admitted the kid and start preparing for a life at that school. And, if you get that surprise letter/email/phone call (extremely unlikely) in the summer, you can decide then. Until then, do what Crosby Stills & Nash sang - “Love the One You’re with.”

As @CCName1 said, for uber-competitive schools like UM, especially for out-of-state people like my kids, being waitlisted, for virtually every such applicant, is a rejection done with kids gloves for kids who were good enough to be admitted, but, for some reason, didn’t make the final cut.

One of my kids, who graduated from a school near Chicago, was waitlisted by UM and a bunch of other schools (all USNews top 15 schools); he didn’t get off any of them. And, he really wanted UM though he was admitted to a school that was arguably more competitive and higher ranked (at least by USNews). Waiting for that call was miserable for everyone in the family.

A similar thing happened with my middle child. Initially waitlisted, the kid waited and waited all summer, and “The Call” from the kid’s dream school never came. The kid went to an East Coast school not that behind UM in rankings, and is happy there.

The bottom line IMO is that the kids who are smart enough to be waitlisted by UM (or any of the highly selective schools) will have at least one or two great alternatives even if they may not seem as attractive in the minds of 18-year-old HS seniors and their parents.

With the possible exceptions of a handful of schools, where one goes for undergraduate matters much less than how well he or she does at whatever school the kid attends, provided that the chosen school is a flagship school of a decent-sized state or a USN top 100 school. Top kids at any of those schools will have just as many opportunities as top kids at Michigan. The key is to find a good fit, academically, mentally and socially, for the most formative four years for the kid.

The notion that there is one “dream school” for a kid is misguided. Of course, it isn’t working that well at home while I am trying to work on my youngest who was lucky enough to get into UM, but had his heart set on another school, which, of course, waitlisted him.

One anecdotal observation: I know far more kids who transferred to their “dream schools” after their freshman year than those who got off the waitlist of their “dream schools.” The key there is to do well at wherever they start their college career.


Thank you for your response. Unfortunately my daughter’s dream school is also intertwined with pursuing college dance. Auditions were before admission results so emotions are extremely high knowing how close one dream was- making the team.

After the blow of being waitlisted softened, we were confident that she was moving on when an email arrived saying they would wait out the waitlist a little longer before announcing the team.

So my question was more out of hope that maybe someone has experience with hearing back prior to the May 1st date.

Like you said we are trying our best to guide our daughter to the best fit for her but when you add in recruitment and dreams that hinge on admittance, it is hard to give up and move on.

I appreciate your well written response and will have my daughter read it as well.


You are guiding your daughter as well as you can. Kudos to you.

My observations in the earlier post about waitlists in general don’t relate to fine arts applicants as I have no experience with theater and other fine arts applications at UM or elsewhere. So, it is entirely possible that there might be a different waitlist process for those applying to the School of Music, Theater and Dance.

Best of luck to your daughter.

Has anyone got any scholarship updates today (specifically any from LSA)?

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Does anybody get an action item to submit SMI form?

Received the LSA merit scholarship letter this evening. They awarded 300 scholarships and over 3700 applied.


I saw on Facebook that some students got asked if they would like a waitlist spot after being rejected.


Yes. This happened to my son yesterday. Rejected. Then yesterday a “status change” to waitlisted and an email urging “action required” to accept his waitlist spot. He is OOS, applying to engineering.

Oh wow, that’s very interesting. I don’t think I’ve ever seen that before.

I think this is going to happen this year. Kids are applying more than ever; the most attractive candidates are getting many, many acceptances and the can only attend 1 school. Schools are waitlisting to try and hedge and it is going to kick in (about now) that they need bodies in the dorms to make it pay.

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Did they email the notification?

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Ohh okay we just saw. It was in her new college email. Nothing given here. Congrats that’s a huge accomplishment!!

Hi, my son has reservations about starting in January. What was your daughter’s experience with the SM immersion program? Was it difficult to find housing? How did she adjust socially? Any advice?

My daughter had a phenomenal experience! It’s a great program for kids who have their heart set on Michigan and sport management. Send me a private message if you want more info—happy to talk.

As far as I know, everyone who wanted to live in the dorm got a dorm (and I believe that everyone got dorms on Central Campus).

Thank you. He’s still weighing all his options, but it’s helpful knowing housing isn’t an issue and sounds like a great program. Thanks again!


Anyone here considering Winter start MAES program ?

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