UMichigan Class of 2027 Official RD Thread

Not to change the subject but is anyone on this thread aware of the measurements under the bed -height and possibly length with the bed raised on either heights? Ty

There are two types of furniture depending on which dorm. The dimensions can be found at these sites:

Thank You! This is super helpful!

My instate daughter was invited off the waitlist yesterday - June 22. For her- without a Ross admit- itā€™s not going to change her direction. Sheā€™s sticking with IU Kelley and not looking back. I think itā€™s all for the best- but i am surprised at how much waitlist movement thereā€™s been this year. A lot more compared to my sonā€™s year in 2021.

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Itā€™s interesting that you say thatā€¦I am OOS and have been following closely since 2020. Waitlist movement seemed pretty light to me this year, so I wonder if it has been much busier in state.

I guess we will see the trend when the CDS is released!

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Congratualtions to her for getting off the waitlist and for IU! Great choice.

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I did talk to someone in admissions and they said waitlist is still open for a few more weeks.


Do waitlist numbers mean those accepted or those who actually matriculate from the waitlist? I apologize if I asked this alreadyā€¦it would make schools look even more exclusive if they reported waitlist numbers based on those who accepted admission. It seems they keep the process vague enough, not giving much info out at all, even to college counselors.

Thatā€™s an interesting question. The way itā€™s worded on the CDS it says spots offered, so I interpret that to mean all those accepted from the waitlist. I donā€™t know how they do it at Michigan specifically, BUT I know a lot of schools send out an email or give you a call having you confirm your interest right before they officially offer you the spot. For instance, I got off a waitlist for another school but first they emailed me and said they were going to offer me a spot if I was still interested. I had 24 hrs to confirm my interest and then they would update my portal and officially offer me the spot with 1 week to decide. I responded saying I was no longer interested so Iā€™m thinking they didnā€™t need to include me in their official count of how many waitlist spots were offered. I had a friend who had the same thing happen with a phone call from a school.


Oh thatā€™s interesting. D20 was accepted from the Wisconsin waitlist in June 2020, and said no. I may have read it wrong, but the CDA looked as though no one was admitted off the waitlist that year. I wonder if she had a similar situation as what youā€™re describing. (I never saw the message, just knew she 100% wanted to go to the school sheā€™d already chosen and so said no.)

Our son (in-state) was also accepted off the waitlist yesterday afternoon. He has until 7/1 to accept. Heā€™s taking some time to decide, but definitely leaning strongly toward UMich.


This has been a frustrating process for my daughter and our family. My wife and I both graduated from U of M and took our daughters to 100s of Michigan sporting events and raised them in the maize and blue. My oldest daughter applied to LS&A for early action, was postponed, then waitlisted during regular decision. Weā€™re in state at a large public high school that sends almost 100 kids to U of M every year. She got a 3.9/4 GPA with 5 APs and 5 honors classes along with a 1440 SAT and good curriculars and essays. Itā€™s disheartening and feels like a real gut punch to everything I love about Michigan and the time and money spent there over the past decades. The tough part is some of her friends and classmates that got in during regular decision went test optional and have a worse GPA and easier class schedule. I know a lot more goes in to their decision on who they accept but this doesnā€™t help with understanding why she didnā€™t get in. Oh well, she is still on the wait list as of an hour ago, so we will wait it out but she has moved on to another good 4 year school out of state for 3x the cost! :joy:


you could change every word from michigan to oregon and you would describe us. Schools that get all these applicants donā€™t have to care too much about great in state kids. It feels like that isnā€™t how it is supposed to work, our state taxes help subsidize the in state school, but Oregon has a business model that prefers California students and their out of state tuition and there is no shortage of applicants from CA. Hang in there. She will find her way.

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We were in the same boat until a couple of days ago. We are instate (Ann Arbor!) and our DD with 4.0 GPA, 1500 SAT and excellent essays/extracurriculars was deferred early action and then wait-listed. She accepted an offer an an excellent out of state private university at 3X the cost as well. On Thursday we received an email from U of M and she was offered a spot (LSA). As parents we are thrilled but DD is now having second thoughts. We have until 07/01 to decide.


I am glad that Michigan is at least giving a reasonable amount of time to decide. Even when the waitlisting school is the better choice, itā€™s understandably hard for kids to pivot!

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This situation always confused me but I get it. People get on the wait list with a lottery chance that it might happen. I always tell people to move on since the chances are so low. Then you win the lottery and the decision still isnā€™t clearā€¦ Lol. Hard for an 18 year old but not me as a parent. Michigan instate is one of the best affordable schools which is highly ranked in most everything with tremendous outcomes. Wish we never moved away when my son went there OOSā€¦ Lolā€¦

I wish your family well.


Patiently waiting for another chance.:smiling_face_with_tear:

same with us

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you could also change every word from Michigan to California. Add to the pain that UCā€™s went test blind (not optional, blind) and the acceptances are all over the place. Sigh.


just got off the umich waitlist at 12:20 today out of state LSA. currently commited to UCSD so will be deciding if i should switch