UMichigan Class of 2027 Official RD Thread

Just my gut feel, but I believe the Michigan admissions system is sophisticated enough to be able to detect an 11/1 deferred/postponed vs. a 2/1 app RD submission. Michigan has been using those deadlines for a very long time.

As to why they’re sending out a LOCI to 2/1 submissions, I’m not sure, other than maybe most of their RD app submissions arrive in the November to mid-January time frame and they’re wondering if the applicant remains interested.

All the more reason they should switch to how the UC system does apps—everyone apply early and acknowledge they’re not telling anyone until March. That way, those who have an ED or ED2 are already out of the mix. They shouldn’t have to ask for a LOCI either since everyone would be in the same position. (I know others don’t agree with me on this.)

Again, my gut feel, but Michigan relies much more heavily on OOS students, 42% +/- not including international students, than the UC system does.

And the UC system has reduced their OOS student population more recently. And yield from OOS students is obviously is much lower than the instate population. So, IMO, the RD LOCI may be critical to them for yield management purposes.

Having said that, Michigan should just announce an EA and RD release dates, even though the UC schools do vary from mid-to-late March. And aren’t announced in advance other than UCLA traditionally using the 3rd Friday in March.


I think Michigan should follow the UVA model instead by offering ED. They won’t have to guess whether or not high stats OOS (or in state) kids are genuinely interested or using Michigan as an Ivy+ backup.


That model could work for high stat. For anyone who is not among the top-of-the-top, they’d still have to wait to be compared to in-state RD applicants. Though, perhaps, they’d be more generous with an ED, like some of the other schools. Promising to go there is a big selling point, even without a 1500+ SAT!


DS sent in his application 1/31 and never got a request for a LOCI, which honestly makes sense, but now I’m concerned he missed something? Did they send this to everyone?

I dont think they send a request for it - he has to log into Enrollment Connect and there will be a place in the portal where he can write it in, the limit is 250 words…

I will ask him to look again, but so strange that he has to show continued interest within 2 weeks of submitting his application. Is this optional?

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Typically if applying in the EA time frame then they would want the Loci. If applying in RD I haven’t seen this. But if you got a letter then follow what it says or /and reach out and ask. They are usually very nice and helpful. If sent to RD from EA then fill one out. They say on their website it’s all optional but I don’t consider too many things optional when showing interest. Keep in mind many many don’t send one in and are students at Michigan today. Good luck.

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Im not sure if its optional, but if UMich follows what they did last year regarding postponed students, they will release some regular decisions in waves (tomorrow 2/17 is the first to coincide with Ross School of Business). Plus I think Michigan is very big on demonstrated interest.


wait did he apply early action or regular decision? This would be for kids who applied early action and were deferred…

So for students who were postponed EA on 1/27 are you submitting additional information to AO’s through email on top of the EOCI form? Not sure if I should be following the article posted by U-M or the information posted on the EOCI form.

Our GC told us to follow the directions and not the blog post. His advice was to do what they asked for. Our applicant submitted the EOCI and her GC submitted the first semester final grades.


Personally I would follow what is posted on the portal and not a blog post.

I also know a couple of AO’s at different schools and ran this by them and they all said follow the directions on the portal. Based on their schools they said that posts like the Michigan one are not typically approved by AO’s for posting to their website, even if it was posted under Admissions. AO’s don’t focus on social media posts (website posts,instgram, facebook). Those are done by people not directly involved in the application/admissions process, so information can be not up to date.

On the bottom of the post on UM’s page it even says that it was not by the Admissions team…

Produced by Michigan Creative, a unit of the Office of the Vice President for Communications


He applied RD and submitted it just before the deadline. He did not apply EA. But I was confused because this thread was for RD. I guess he doesn’t have to do it then, which makes sense.

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I believe they combined the threads, as once you are deferred from the EA round you are in the RD round, technically.

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They did not

My apologies.

I think we just all moved over here after EA since we are all RD now. ; )


Do you think there will be a wave today at 3 pm?