Univ. of Califonia A-G Confusion

<p>I’m currently a junior at a magnet high school in Nevada. I’m looking at both UCs and Cal States for college. I do know they measure your GPA from 10th and 11th grade the same way. Where I’m lost or confused is what they actually count in their calculation. Here are my 10th and 11th grade coursework:</p>

<p>10th Grade:</p>

<p>PE 2
Travel and Tourism
Marketing 1
Algebra 2 Honors
English 10 Honors
World History Honors
Chemistry Honors
Spanish 3 Honors</p>

<p>11th Grade:</p>

Hospitality Management
Hospitality Management Lab
Marketing 2
Precalculus Honors
English 11 Honors
AP US History
Physics Honors</p>

<p>I know that PE doesn’t count. I know that core classes (math, science, English and social studies) count. I know that Language counts. But what about the rest? If anyone can clear it up for me, it would be really helpful. Thanks!</p>

<p>Since you are out-of-state it isn’t possible to answer your question. I doubt that the UCs have an a-g list for your school.</p>

<p>I encourage you to ask your counselor or send an email to UC admissions.</p>

<p>Really? =\ I thought approximate names would be good enough to define as eligible but I guess it’s more specific than I first thought. Can you or anyone else help me navigate to emailing UC’s admissions (Irvine specifically). I’m looking at too many Cal states to name which I need contact for.</p>

<p>Have you taken a one year art, drama, or music class? You will need that for admittance, and it will be calculated in your GPA along with the core classes.</p>

<p>[University</a> of California - A-G subject requirements](<a href=“http://www.ucop.edu/agguide/a-g-requirements/index.html]University”>http://www.ucop.edu/agguide/a-g-requirements/index.html)
The email for uci admissions is on their website. You know it’s really not that hard to get on college websites and find all this information yourself.</p>

<p>I did go to UCI’s contact site but they were asking for info like social security and I felt I was in the wrong place. I’ve never personally contacted any schools yet…</p>

<p>Calimofo4, I don’t know if my Graphic Design 1 class from freshman year counts as that. I also plan to take Photography next yearn(senior year) but between sophomore and junior year, I don’t have any visual arts, drama, etc… classes. My school doesn’t have any music programs =&lt;/p>

<p>For in-state students the UCs provide a detailed list (for each California high school – public and private) of approved a-g courses and whether the courses are to be treated as honors or not.</p>

<p>There is no such list for non-California high schools. So in regard to a-g applicability make a best guess, perhaps erring on the side of including “more” than “less”. Note that for OOS applicants only AP courses and IB courses are treated as “honors” courses. UC undergraduate admissions will then decide which courses on your list apply.</p>

<p>From one of their web sites:</p>



<p>So Fogcity, I can’t fully define which of my classes fit where until I submit an application this fall? And they determine if it counts or not? =&lt;/p>

<p>And guys, is it safe to say that everything else on my coursework that are program classes or electives like the Hospitality and Marketing Classes go in “G” for extra electives? They are CTE courses anyway…</p>

<p>You can usually get an idea of the college prep classes from your transcripts. My Daughters school used the letter p in front of the prep classes. Your high school might have a similar method of identifying them as well. I know PE will not count.<br>
The following is a more in depth link to A-G. [University</a> of California - A-G Guide](<a href=“http://www.ucop.edu/agguide/]University”>A-G Policy Resource Guide)</p>

<p>My high school transcript only identifies core classes with a “C” =/ I don’t know where to go next with this besides looking at the A-G Guide which doesn’t apply to me at all</p>