<p>Any ideas on good schools willing to accept internationals with lower SATs? I only got 1090 combined, good on math but sucked really bad on english (apparently my proficiency in daily english didnt help at all).</p>
<p>Prefer public schools, and need no fin-aid. Doesnt have to be top 10 universities like berkeley, I know I got almost no chance at such schools w/ this kind of SAT, but at least I'm hoping for good, well known schools. Looking forward to college life, good chances to socialize, not one of those commuter schools where you dont get to know anyone, college towns perhaps? I dont mind somewhat smaller places if the city isnt totally out of reach, I think 2hr drive is perhaps good enough.
Any recommendations?</p>
<p>Everyone else: The minimum score you can ever possibly get on a SAT section is 200 anyways.</p>
<p>OP: Have you taken TOEFL? That'd be a great help, as some schools accept TOEFL in lieu of SAT.
Otherwise, what exactly did you get for Critical Reading and Math?
What are you interested in majoring in?</p>
<p>I was recommended OWU (Ohio Wesleyan University) - Their SAT middle 50% is 1070 - 1300. Apparently they do take quite a lot of internationals. They also have live chat support, which was helpful. Ohio</a> Wesleyan University</p>
<p>It was out of 1600. I cant remember my TOEFL score right now, but it was equal to 600 on paper based test.</p>
<p>I'm not sure if I'm considered a transfer student or new student. I went to WSU but had to leave school for a few years. Now I'm planning to apply to a different university.</p>
<p>I'm not too sure if colleges will still see yours as valid. You might want to post this in another forum, as you're:
1. Having a break after high school
2. May be a transfer
3. SAT may not be valid</p>
<p>The expertise on whether you need to retake SAT/TOEFL, etc. I don't know man :( Maybe email the unis to ask about transfer status.</p>