University Days

<p>We are planning to visit Alabama to coincide with this event. My son has been accepted to honors and we haven’t seen the school yet. Seems like a good thing to attend, but is it geared for future students for next year?</p>


<p>Are you saying that you’ve set up your visit day to be the same as UDays?</p>

<p>If your son will be going to Bama next fall, I’m not sure if UDays is right for him at this point. It will largely be geared towards juniors who will be visiting (going over next fall’s deadlines and such for scholarships).</p>

<p>However, if the school is doing campus tours that day, you could do this…</p>

<p>1) schedule your campus tour online (do that ASAP)</p>

<p>2) send an email to Jami Gates in Honors <a href=“”></a>. Tell her your tour date and time. Tell her your child’s stats and major. She can arrange for you to meet with dept professors, honors faculty, tour honors housing, and, if desired, sit in an honors class or sit in a class within the major.</p>

<p>Let me know if you have any issues/concerns.</p>


<p>That’s what I thought, so wanted to ask. Would this be a bad day to even attempt that? I can start in SC and work my way to AL by Thurs. that week. What do you think?</p>

<p>We visited during UDays instead of Capstone Days - it was great! Did arrange to meet with Jami the afternoon before to get a quick run through of the Honors College. Can’t think of any info we missed by doing this. Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Anyone else in town Sunday/Monday for University Days? My (junior) son and I arrive Saturday and are going to the Alabama Arkansas basketball game Saturday night - University Days on Monday. On Sunday, I imagine we might go to the Bear Bryant museum and walk around the campus and downtown a bit; DS needs sunglasses (“Shades” appears to be a good downtown sunglass store) and I want to try the Toomer’s lemonade. :slight_smile: (We are staying at the Capstone.)</p>

<p>^^^Toomer’s is in Auburn :)</p>

<p>Augh! Thanks! Sorry - I’m getting my Alabama cities mixed up! We are going to Auburn on Friday and having Toomer’s lemonade on Saturday. :o
DS has a four-day weekend for President’s Day.</p>

<p>We are bringing our GPS, which has a habit of turning itself on and off - hope it stays on as we attempt to navigate an unfamiliar state! I am looking forward to the 60-something weather.</p>

<p>Do me a favor and chop down that damn tree while you’re drinking that lemonade.</p>

<p>I have a few other suggestions for things to do while on the cow college campus but I don’t think that type of language is allowed on this board. :-)</p>

<p>Don’t hurt me NJBama, but the lemonade at Toomer’s Corner is pretty good ;)</p>

<p>MidwestMom: as long as you can get yourself back to I65 from either campus you should be good direction wise. Safe travels!</p>

<p>My one regret about my Auburn visit is not trying that lemonade! My dad hated Auburn and was anxious to get out of there asap lol.</p>

<p>Good luck on your trip, Midwest! I can relate to the funky GPS – ours decided to stop working while we were trying to drive from Georgia to Alabama (we’re from NJ and had no idea where we were going). Hope you are able to find everything alright, although it might not be too much of a loss if you can’t make it to Auburn. ;)</p>

<p>Good post regina. Your dad and I would be the best of friends :-). Words simply cannot describe the contempt I have for the East Alabama Male college.</p>

<p>^ Really? I didn’t get that vibe at all. :wink: Just out of curiosity, what’s the source of the strong feelings – they seem to go beyond the normal rivalry/expected hatred?</p>

<p>I’ve never liked them, but the Gene Jelks bribery and false allegations which led to our probation over Antonio Langham’s signed napkin is what threw me over the edge. That was early 90’s which may be before you were born so you’ll need to google it if you wanna know the story. </p>

<p>Their fans/alumni actually hired private investigators a couple years ago to investigate whether some of our recruits from the Gadsden area received illegal benefits. They care more about trying to hurt us then they do about succeeding on their own. </p>

<p>They are a cult and I look forward to the day they drink the kool aid and cease to exist.</p>

<p>LOL I can certainly understand your sentiments. If they didn’t exist, though, we would never get to experience the thrill of beating them. I’m a die-hard Red Sox fan (yes, from NJ, don’t hate me), and as much as I loathe the Yankees with every fiber of my being, baseball season would be a heck of a lot more boring without them; every victory would mean so much less. Rivalry is great as a way of motivating everyone to do their best – it’s just a shame when people ruin it the way Auburn has.</p>