University Fellows Experience Semi-Finalists

<p>Good luck to the CBHP finalists! Enjoy the process and look for potential roommates.</p>

<p>Congratulations and best of luck to all who are semifinalists!</p>

<p>And for those who are not, don’t sweat it. I realize it is a disappointment now, but you should realize a few things. First of all, qualifying to apply in the first place puts you in excellent company and speaks well of your commitment to achieve excellence. Also, you should realize that this process is extremely competitive and selection is not based upon stats. Whatever you do, don’t feel you’ve failed or let this dampen your enthusiasm in any way. As the mom of a student who was selected as a semifinalist a few years ago, I can tell you she experienced all of the things you are likely feeling today when she didn’t make finalist. LIke many of you, she has a stellar academic record with excellent stats and hadn’t faced a rejection like this before in an academic pursuit. Well, two years have passed and she’s never looked back. She’s found that there were so many other amazing opportunities available to her at the UA that she has found herself having to choose wisely. If I were you, I’d pamper myself for the day, brush of the disappointment, and realize tomorrow is a new day full of opportunities and new experiences as you make your way to the campus of The University of Alabama. Roll Tide!</p>

<p>First off, I just love the experienced parents on this board. Your kind words of encouragement have been a real beacon through this busy year! It’s so great to know that if our children don’t make it into this highly competitive program, there really are other great options.</p>

<p>Second, my son did not get an email either, so my initial response was, oh well, it was worth a try. That said, ever being the optimist, I just called back to the school and asked if all of the emails to semifinalists have gone out. I am happy to report, they have not! She was not able to give me a definite date, but said by mid next week, all of the semifinalists emails will have gone out.</p>

<p>Third, a huge congrats to those students who have already been notified…what a great opportunity! Best of luck on your phone interviews, and Roll Tide!</p>

<p>They’re still making decisions, semifinalists could be notified as late as Monday. So if you didn’t get an email that doesn’t necessarily mean bad news!</p>

<p>Is the notification email sent to Crimson mailbox?</p>

<p>yes, notification goes to Crimson email</p>

<p>Any new notifications?</p>

<p>Sent from my SCH-R760 using CC</p>

<p>Just found out today that I’m a semifinalist!</p>

<p>Phone interview in a week!</p>

<p>Congratulations! Good Luck and roll tide-</p>

<p>Are there still more notifications to go out?</p>

<p>I wouldn’t give up hope until there is an email saying you weren’t selected.</p>

<p>Someone indicated earlier in this thread that if you are not selected for the program, you will be notified by regular mail. Only those accepted get the email.</p>

<p>I spoke with Stephanie earlier this week, she said some acceptance emails will go out early next week. My son is still waiting too. It would be great to even be a semifinalists, but if this door closes, the great thing is there are plenty more great options at Bama.</p>

<p>To Bamagirls and txdoula what an awesome perspective! You are right. See the positive and know that there are numerous opportuntites at UA. Good luck to all the semifinalists! Roll Tide.</p>

<p>I haven’t got an email, and I’m guessing I won’t be - but that’s okay; I didn’t do much service (Link Crew, NHS, started a charity club senior year, but not a lot of volunteer hours). I was kind of bummed at first, even though I knew that UFE isn’t something that fits with what I want to do, but now I’m really excited that I just found out I’m an Oxford Scholars finalist at Emory!!! My fingers are crossed for Computer Based Honors!</p>

<p>CONGRATULATIONS to all who were selected as semifinalists! :smiley: And for those of us who, like me, haven’t gotten emails: don’t give up yet! You just never know.</p>

<p>For all those anxiously awaiting decision…I say DITTO to all the positive perspective. Four years ago our daughter made it all the way to the on campus selection of top 50. Unfortunately she was not one of the 30 selected. HOWEVER, she made amazing friends, many are still close today AND she eventually went on to be selected and participate in many great things on campus and in the Tuscaloosa community.
This past fall our son participated in Alabama Action and is currently in his second semester of Emerging Scholars (didn’t want to even try for Fellows). And he is LOVING life at UA.
All of that to say…the fact that your credentials even allowed you to apply for Fellows is a demonstration of the wonderful young person you are!<br>
Know that there is a path for each of you to be successful at UA…it is an amazing school where the best and brightest are awarded many, many opportunities for success, fulfillment and giving back.
Good luck and God bless to each of you! RTR!</p>

<p>MissxSilverwing, congratulations on becoming a Oxford Scholars finalist! That’s quite an honor. As others have pointed out. if UFE or CBH doesn’t work out, there’s plenty of other interesting opportunities.</p>

<p>Thanks, riprorin! It was totally unexpected - I wasn’t even sure I was going to get into Emory, haha.</p>

<p>And yes, Alabama has a lot of cool opportunities! I’m still really interested in CBHP. I think that I’m a much better candidate for that than UFE - the only question is whether the fact that I don’t have any research experience will hurt me, but I’m interested in poli sci, so maybe they’ll excuse that based on the lack of high school research opportunities compared to the sciences.</p>

<p>Students enter CBH from a variety of disciplines so doing CBH and PoliSci is definitely doable. Good luck! For those waiting to hear, the wait should be over soon!</p>

<p>There is no expectation that incoming CBH students will have any research (or computer) experience. I wouldn’t worry about that at all.</p>