University Fellows Experience Semi-Finalists

<p>Has anyone heard that they did or did not advance to finalist in the University Fellows program? Anxiously waiting word here.</p>

<p>We have not heard yet either way and are very anxious as well.</p>

<p>I called the Honors College today. Letters to finalists were to be mailed before lunch today.</p>

<p>I remember last year that parents/students were concerned when letters starting coming and some had not received notification. Depending on where you are located in the country, letters can be very slow to arrive. I remember (a few years ago) that one particular letter from Tuscaloosa took 11 days to reach us, Yikes!!</p>

<p>YIKES robotldmo- I don’t think my nerves can handle that! Wish they would email the info so we would all get it at the same time. I don’t think we will get it before Tuesday and that doesn’t leave tons of time to plan travel if my child is a finalist!</p>

<p>Darn! I was thinking we’d receive them by the first, not they’d mail them by then. I second the idea that them emailing info would be nice!</p>

<p>Why can’t they just send an email to notify us first? Especially since many of the semifinalist will have to fly to Tuscaloosa</p>

<p>I am not sure why no e-mails, but it does seem like they always mail “official” type letters.</p>

<p>Does anyone know the date of the weekend yet?</p>

<p>Last weekend in February</p>

<p>I’m glad I live in bama haha</p>

<p>Ah! Perfect. Thanks, Tjmom. On the off chance that DS gets chosen, at least he’ll be able to go. And, I’m assuming a parent goes with them? Or no?</p>

<p>That is a good question. I assumed I would go if my son is lucky enough to be asked as he isn’t old enough to rent a car and will have to fly down. I don’t think there are any activities that the parents go to though but I have family and friends not TOO far away so I might sneak off to visit them.</p>

<p>Parents sometimes go and sometimes not, for the most part the interview weekend is not intended for parents. </p>

<p>For those flying in, UA will handle getting the kids from the airport to campus, no need to rent a car. When DS went for his weekend last year my wife did go with him but didn’t see him all weekend, dropped him off an picked him up. She didn’t really need to go but we are close enough (3.5 hrs) to drive and she just wasn’t comfortable with him making the drive alone…momma’s are like that :-)</p>

<p>Thanks, MemphisGuy. Tjmom, I was thinking the same thing. I’m a Bama alum and have family and friends close by, so I think I would probably go. I guess we will find out in the next day or two whether we need to figure out what to do with our free time or not. ;)</p>

<p>If my D is selected, I am planning on going because it is preview weekend as well, and I plan to attend the parent portion. Not sure if she will be able to attend preview if she is participating in Fellows activities. At this point we are just hoping to have that problem. Does anyone have any experience from last year? How late into the second day the interview activities went? </p>

<p>And can I just say how happy I am that I found CC? You guys are fabulous, and all the information is so helpful. Thanks to you all.</p>

<p>^^^If your daughter is selected for UFE, I suggest that her entire focus be on UFE alone. Staying with the group, going to all the dinners and activities will show a complete dedication and desire to join the program. If she divides her time or misses a UFE event she will probably not be chosen.
Programs like UFE and CBH are looking for students to dedicate their time to that individual program. These are time consuming programs that require dedication and commitment over many semesters. If a student splits their focus on the initial interview weekend, how will that look in terms of a student’s interest and dedication?</p>

<p>^^^ I’d parrot the above and TOTALLY agree. When the candidates are there, they are there for the purpose of UFE (or CBHP) selection. They are being judged at all times, and at all functions. Feedback may be received from everyone, including student interactions during both the formal and social aspects of the weekend. Everything is being watched. When there they should be totally focused. And … NO CELLPHONES.</p>

<p>Oh, I absolutely agree. My D’s highest priority is Fellows. That is why I had mentioned that I was coming to go the preview parent’s session. that way we can at least get some of the info. If she is invited to the Fellows weekend, we are not counting on her attending preview at all. She would not want to do anything but Fellows activities as long as they go on. I was just curious if anyone had any experience with how long on Saturday the Fellows activities lasted.</p>

<p>^^^Depends on which interviews she has last. The interviews vary in time. It’s difficult to plan for UFE interview weekend. My best advice is to stay flexible and stay calm! UFE is aware of other activities going on around campus. Preview weekend is helpful but NOT a must. My daughter didn’t attend preview weekend her senior year in high school. Our campus visit during junior year was the same as preview weekend. I encouraged her to participate while she had the chance. THANK goodness she didn’t pass up the opportunity but she was seriously overwhelmed after hearing all of the house chants and keeping everything straight. It is understandable how neurotic the PNMs can be during preview weekend. It’s a ton to soak in.
ps. My daughter is OOS. Received a bid to her top house and an active Fellow in UFE. It’s possible to do it all but it takes a very responsible, organized, committed individual. Good luck to all you PNMs (Potential New --sorority-- Members) and UFE applicants.
Great advice above—Keep the cellphones OFF or silent. Do not check it every 5 seconds!
My daughter kept her phone but it was always in her bag. She had it to contact me when she finished because I was roaming around campus solo. As I mentioned in previous posts, it was very long days for the applicants. I generally heard from her around 9-10p. They are kept very busy.</p>