University Fellows Experience Semi-Finalists

<p>^^^ yes, the advice given to my D was the only safe places to text are … bathroom or from your room at the end of the day. You do not want to be seen looking down at your phone ever. Obviously the impression = I’m not interested.</p>

<p>Ok so the letters should be arriving soon, if you didn’t get them today. D got hers today. Unfortunately she did not make the cut. She’s disappointed but is handling it well. Good luck to everyone still waiting to here.</p>

<p>Msubama- how far are you from Ttown? Not that I am anxious or anything…</p>

<p>Did anyone else get a letter? And if you could tell us what state your in that would be great!</p>

<p>We live in the Huntsville area which is about 2.5 hours from ttown.</p>

<p>…I’m guessing the odds of mail getting all the way to the West coast by Sunday is slim? I can’t stand all this waiting!</p>

<p>Got finalist letter yesterday! w000t! I live in Birmingham (45 min away). Does anybody know what exactly we are supposed to do? The schedule lists two sections entitled interviews and areas of interest. What kind of interviews? Any insight?</p>

<p>Congratulations to those selected!</p>

<p>There are formal interviews but consider the entire weekend one long interview. See above advice.</p>

<p>Congratulations and good luck with the interview. :)</p>

<p>We are in PA. We received notice today that our son is a finalist.</p>

<p>MO; not a finalist :(</p>

<p>Anyone who has gotten the letter already - Are the interviews Feb 22-23?</p>

<p>The interviews are all scheduled on the 23rd.</p>

<p>To anyone who might know - is notification of both acceptance and rejection for the University Fellows Experience finalist done by postal mail? Or are emails being sent as well?</p>

<p>Both are being sent my mail.</p>

<p>AZ- not a finalist either. At least the waiting is over!!</p>

<p>MO - Finalist. Arrived today.</p>

<p>ROLL TIDE!</p>

<p>It’s too late to apply for emerging scholars though, right?</p>

<p>For those of you inquiring about AA or OA, this year we will also be offering Black Belt Action! A similar program where students will be working in the Black Belt of Alabama. Glad to read all the excitement!
Good look on Fellows Weekend to those who are coming this Friday, can’t wait to meet you all!</p>

<p>Cassidy - No it is not too late to apply for Emerging Scholars. I checked their webpage and is says that applications for 2012-2013 are no longer being accepted. It appears that applications for next year haven’t even opened up yet.</p>

<p>I was surprised when you thought it was closed becasue I knew DS had applied well after this date last year and had been fairly early in the date range. I didn’t think they would have changed the dates that much over one year.</p>

<p>If you go onto the UA webpage and search for Emerging Scholars it will point you to thier webpage. On that page you will see some contact info. I would suggest that you reach out and express your interest and ask when the application period will open. It never hurts to let them know how interested you are.</p>

<p>Good luck!!</p>