University Fellows

<p>DS is currently working on his Honors College application. He was wondering if the ability to apply to UF fellows was contingent on the HC app or if UF invitations were sent based on GPA and Test Scores from his UA college app. He honestly wants to know what is involved in the UF app (specifically the essay prompts) for planning purposes. Any insight? Thanks!</p>

<p>You need the right ACT/SAT and GPA or you need a counselor rec.</p>

<p>I think you have to apply to the Honors College as well. (I don’t think you have to apply to the HC first, but you do have to apply to the HC).</p>

<p>I think the past prompts were something like…</p>

<p>1 - Write an essay about yourself, your career goals, and the way in which you expect the University Fellows Experience to enrich your academic experience at The University of Alabama.</p>

<p>2 - Write an essay providing any additional personal information that you wish to share with the University Fellows Experience selection committee. Some subjects you could address include: your most significant accomplishment or biggest failure; the most impactful experience of your life and the cause of its importance; your definition of “leadership” and examples of leadership in your life. These are possibilities rather than suggestions. You should present yourself to us as best you can.</p>

<p>Is the app for scholarships also the app for the honors college? Does dd have to be admitted before she can fill out those apps? She applied but hasn’t been accepted yet and isn’t sure what she should do next.</p>

<p>^^^ The scholarship App and the HC App are not the same. BOTH however are very easy apps to fill out. Once the process starts for UFE and CBH, which has more to do with your ACT score and grades as being the gatekeeper for whether you can apply, then further essay, resume, and interview process begin.</p>

<p>She can’t apply to the HC until after accepted.</p>

<p>however, she should be able to submit the Scholarship app within a few days. Your D should get a “follow up” email within a few days. That will give her log-on info for MyBama and then she’ll have access to the scholarship app.</p>

<p>the scholarship app and HC app are separate. :)</p>

<p>Can someone please tell us if either the scholarship app or HC app need teacher recommendations? D wants to ask the teachers who will do her common app and any other college recommendations next week.</p>

<p>linnylu … neither the scholarship app or the HC app require recommendations.</p>

<p>Dad2ILD, thanks for that information. D is applying to one college that requires 3 recs.<br>
There really is quite a variation on what colleges want.</p>


<p>Personally, I think it’s kind of unreasonable for colleges to expect all these teacher recs. Teachers must go crazy this time of the year with many, many students requesting LORs for various universities, etc. </p>

<p>I’m not even sure if colleges read all of these recs.</p>

<p>I totally agree mom. That is why D wants to ask all at once for recs and not have to go back 2 weeks later to ask for another. I kind of doubt that colleges read them all. How could they? D really wants to apply ONLY to Bama, but I keep insisting she has to apply to a few schools. One has the common app essay, plus 3 additional essays, plus the teacher recs, a personal interview, etc. and it’s not even as good a scholarship package as Bama.</p>

<p>My d just received her acceptance letter to the honors college and the IHP yesterday. She does have the GPA(unweighted)/ACT/SAT scores required for the University Fellows. Will they notify use when it is time to apply? I noticed the deadline is Dec. 14th, but the link for the UF application on her Bama account still won’t give her the essay prompts. Is it an automatic interview for her given she meets the requirements? Also is the GPA requirement a weighted or unweighted GPA? Thanks for any insight and help!</p>

<p>STL-CM … I cannot say whether the GPA requirement uses weighted or unweighted. However, I can say that the interview is NOT automatic. My D, who was accepted to and accepted her CBHP invite, also applied for UFE. She was not invited to interview for UFE, which upset her initially, but as soon as the CBHP invite was received, all was forgotten. :slight_smile: Good luck to your daughter (and you family) as you navigate the process.</p>

<p>@STLCrimsonMom, I just sent my honors app in so I’m wondering how long it took for you to hear back about acceptance?</p>

<p>I’m pretty sure that Honors uses weighted since it’s the weighted that Admissions inputs into the “Bama system”…so that’s what honors would see.</p>

<p>lterry…honors apps seem to be processed in batches…it seems like they wait for a bunch to accumulate and then process a bunch at a time. So, for some it could be longer than others.</p>

<p>Are interviews required only for Fellows? D is interested in the international honors.
And am I correct that there is also a regular honors program? What does that one entail?</p>

<p>CBH and Fellows require interviews in February (Bama has paid for this in the past). You must be selected as a finalist in order to interview.</p>

<p>There are 4 honors programs in the one Honors College.</p>

<p>Everyone in honors joins UHP University Honors Program (that’s the regular one). In addition, some join IHP (international honors program)…and admission for both is by stats. </p>

<p>Also, some apply to CBH and UFE which have competitive admissions.</p>

<p>Some kids belong to only UHP, some belong to more.</p>

<p>There’s more info here…
More info about Honors College
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>@m2ck and all parents on this forum. I sent my unified honors app (applied to UHP, IHP, & CBHP) sunday and got acceptance today! FOUR DAYS! UA is on the ball!</p>

<p>Congrats and Roll Tide!</p>

<p>m2K: Our understanding was that CBHP did reimburse for travel to the interview but Fellows did not last year. If anyone knows differently please correct. Suspect it has to do with funding in the different programs.</p>


<p>Oh really? That is news. </p>

<p>So did Fellows only provide hotel and food, but students had to pay for transportation?</p>

<p>Anyone know?</p>

<p>I can kind of see why…it kind of helps to determine who is really interested and who just wants a free trip.</p>