University Fellows

<p>Does anyone know much about it?</p>

<p>Try this link: University</a> Fellows - The University of Alabama</p>

<p>Don't have any personal experience with it, but it seems like a very good and highly selective honors program.</p>

<p>The University Fellows program was started last year in an effort to emulate the Univ. of Georgia's Foundation Fellows program. My son was one of the first to be selected as a University Fellow, which is distinct from the Univ. of Alabama Honors College. Many national merit semi-finalists did not make the final cut for the Fellows program. All University Fellows are, however, in the Honors College. A stipend and many benefits come with this leadership oriented fellowship. The Univ. of Alabama Honors College and the University Fellows program are among the best opportunities in the nation's colleges and universities.</p>

<p>icy, that is very interesting. How has your son's experience been in the program and at UA? What sort of leadership do they look for, and how much of a role does it play in the selection process? UA is truly working hard to improve its honors programs and academics; do you think its reputation just needs to catch up? Or has it done so already among the more knowledgeable?</p>

<p>My son, over my repeated objections, prayers and protestations, declined the 8 semester out of state tuition scholarship and University Fellows stipend to attend another school. The Univ. of Alabama Honors College, the University Fellows program, President Witt and the state of Alabama are still among this nation's best kept secrets. In my opinion, Alabama is heaven on earth. Best honors housing that I have ever seen! Gorgeous, immaculate campus with an amazing athletic facility for the studentbody. Privileges too numerous and specific to my son to list here. Unless your choices include Princeton, Yale, Chicago, Stanford, Georgetown's SFS, MIT, CalTech or Harvard or a talent specific program such as Juilliard, Northwestern's acting or journalism or Penn's Wharton School, give the University of Alabama Honors College and the University Fellows program a serious look. President Witt is a graduate of Bates and Dartmouth graduate school. The University Fellows program is designed to set you up for life if you stay in Alabama, the South or Washington D.C. Academic achievement, leadership and communications ability are the sought after qualities by the University Fellows.</p>

<p>Yes, I know exactly what you mean. The dorms are incredible; one even had a clubhouse and pool! And the student rec center, with a smoothie bar and rock wall! It was enough to make a parent from college in the 70's agog. The CBHP is also very impressive.</p>

<p>Thanks very much, I'll have to keep working on that app.</p>

<p>icy, how would you compare the Honors Programs at UA with that at the Univ. of Georgia? Are you also familiar with UGA? While there recently, we met a young man who appeared to have turned down an Academic Elite scholarship to attend UGA as a Foundation Fellow. Possible you know him?</p>

<p>My daughter is a UA Fellow and is very happy that she picked UA. The application process is very competative (many applications for few slots), but the payoff is huge--and not just in terms of monetary compensation. The individualized attention cannot be beat in my opinion. She has dinner at the home of the Dean of the Honors College, has a University professor as mentor in her field of study, and is promoted for every leadership position she desires to pursue. It's been a great experience thus far!</p>

<p>Is it possible to participate in the Fellows Program (if selected) AND be a year round Div. I Athlete (cross country/indoor/outdoor track)?</p>

<p>Son has been offered the full ride (tuition,room,board,laptop) as a MNSF.<br>
His Offer of Admission came today. He has not even contacted the distance coach.</p>

<p>Hi! I was just browsing around and noticed this forum. I am actually a member of the inaugural class of the University Fellows Experience here at Alabama, and I have absolutely loved my experience. My other two choices were Vanderbilt and Washington University in St. Louis, and while they were hard to turn down, I just felt they could not offer me what Alabama does. The scholarship itself is incredible, not to mention all that comes with it. Just last week I ate dinner at Dr. Halli's house--he's the Dean of the Honors College! Also, I have a mentor in my field who is allowing me to do research with her next semester. I room with a fellow Fellow (as we fondly call ourselves), and we both are involved in other campus activities such as SGA and Freshman Forum. Many people voice concerns that Fellows may conflict with other leadership possibilities on campus, but I've found it to be quite the opposite. Dr. Halli let's us know about opportunities as soon as they are available, and every Fellow has many different interests on campus. I would highly recommend Fellows to any motivated student around the country, it is well worth it. If anyone has any questions, let me know!</p>

<p>Welcome, Lorellis! So glad to hear from a current Bama honors student, especially a University Fellow. Congratulations on your achievements, first of all. What other highlights have there been for you, especially academically? Other unique opportunities, such as seminars, internships, travel? Did you receive what is now called the Academic Elite scholarship? How does that work, given that it seems to actually provide more than the full cost of attendance? Have you lived in the honors dorms? I assume that was pleasant. Sounds like Dr. Halli is a very gracious dinner host!
As you can tell, I am very interested to learn all about the program from someone who is currently involved. Thanks for whatever you can share.</p>

<p>Oh, I forgot to ask about the selection process and what the important criteria were. Do you agree that academics, leadership and communications skills were at the top of the list? What advice would you give to present the best application? What were the interviews like?</p>

<p>Lorellis, do you know of any Fellows students that are Inter Collegiate athletes?</p>

<p>Hi everyone! I would definitely say spending time with the other Fellows is a major highlight. Having so many different interests being represented in a conversation always leads us down an interesting path! Many students plan on traveling abroad during their time here. Also, we are encouraged to participate in some sort of internship, and we have many resources to help us find an appropriate one. I live in the honors dorms, and they are absolutely wonderful. I love my roommates, but everyone needs to escape to some privacy once in a while! I feel like I'm in an upscale apartment, not a college dorm! I am hesitant to say anything about the selection process and how scholarships are handled because this is only the second year of Fellows and I don't if things will be handled the same way as before. Also, I don't believe any Fellows are involved in intercollegiate athletics, but we do have students with very demanding extracurriculars. Many of us are involved in intramurals, but I'm sure intercollegiate would be welcomed!</p>

<p>Are there other stipends or scholarships unique to the University Fellowship program? I see on the UA website that in order to apply for the Academic Elite Scholarship, one must first be admitted as a Fellow. What distinguishes the Fellows program from the Honors College and its 3 honors programs?</p>

<p>Fellows have 1 on 1 mentorships with professors, and that's the largest difference I found(I emailed Halli on that).</p>

<p>I was checking my status. What does application prefrence mean???! I sent my application in on thursday. they said they received my application but im not sure if my transcript has arrived yet.</p>

<p>any one accepted by the University fellow program willing to share their stats? and did any/all of the fellows get the academic elite scholarship or is that another process?</p>

<p>I'd like my chances better if UA had something similar to UGA's Ramseys Scholarship(basically 1 step below their Foundation Fellows, but still very good and hard to get).</p>