University of Alabama Admissions for Fall 2023

Don’t stress. At the Capstone Scholars weekend, we were told that the consolidated fin aid offers will come out in March. We should get a physical copy and on the portal.


Anyone else get an RRSP invite?

My daughter was waitlisted

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My daughter was also waitlisted

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Son was declined (no waitlist) from RRSP. Likely makes our decision easier.

I know at least one person who has heard about UFE finalist…have all the notifications gone out? Anyone know?

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S23 hasn’t received any notification at all, but some others have, so we are reading that as a no.

Do you know if they all received the email yesterday? Weird that they don’t send an email telling you that you’re out of the pool.

Is there a deadline coming up for housing deposits or something? DS mentioned it. Also, is it possible to put in the housing deposit without yet putting in a enrollment deposit?

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I don’t know for sure. He hasn’t gotten anything from UFE since the Zoom, but because some people have heard a positive reply, we are assuming S23 didn’t make it. I’m hoping that soon they will notify everyone one way or the other.

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No. You must put in both. It is late in the cycle. Your date to select a room depends on when the deposits are made. After that, rooms are assigned by the university.
Tonight is the deadline:

However, from what I could gather, the more expensive dorms go first like Bryan, Presidential and similar suite style ones with single rooms.

Deadline is Feb 1st, and no, you have to pay the freshman enrollment fee before housing. You still get housing if you miss the deadline, but you do not get to pick where.

Doesn’t this seem awfully early- eg lots of kids still to hear back from schools, etc?


It is, especially for such expensive deposits. I wasn’t waiting on any more decisions and was pretty sure I was going to Alabama, but I was still shocked to see how early housing was due and how expensive the deposits were.

If your son has a roommate who paid before Feb 1st, that roommate can select him and pull him in.

Unfortunately, it is not what you think but what the university must do to accommodate their students. And no, most selective EA/ED decisions are out.

Just attended Admitted Tides day and the head of housing spoke about room selection. One student said she was not completely sure if she wanted to commit yet, but was concerned about getting on campus housing. The head of housing said to not spend the money putting down deposits now because it won’t really make that much of a difference. Housing will be available for incoming freshmen, you just don’t get to choose. Putting in a deposit right before the deadline won’t make much of a difference because all of the non-traditional dorms (anything other than the double/hall bathroom) will be already selected by students who put down deposits back in October.


That’s discouraging lmao. I had seen online people that said they submitted the last day and got rooms in Pres and Tut and stuff, but stuff changes year to year.

Who was committing in October? I know a lot of people did but isn’t the freshman enrollment deposit a commitment? Just seems so early to me.

I was also told by admissions rep that if you do not put deposit down by Feb 1st, you will also not be able to participate in the roommate selection process. If you found a roommate outside of that roommate selection site that got in before Feb 1st then yes they could pull you in, but not sure how you would go about finding a roommate that way. My daughter isn’t sure Bama is her #1 yet and would have been ok with dorm location being random, but wanted to participate in the roommate selection process so we are deciding whether to put down the deposit knowing we might lose it if she decides to go elsewhere. You get back most of the housing deposit if you change your mind but not the regular $200 freshman deposit.

My son put his housing deposit down mid-January and got his first choice dorm (England) and first choice room. His first roommate was random and did not decide on attending Alabama until Late February/Early March and ended up in England. My son did not ‘pull him in’. England is a nice, newer traditional dorm.
One thing to keep in mind is that a lot of students start at Alabama but leave for various reasons by September/October. This leads to a lot of students changing roommates, dorms and/or living arrangements. Things seem to stabilize by late October.


Last year they replied to every semifinalist via personalized email with their status over the course of a week. It did seem like those chosen as finalists were notified first, but I’m not 100% certain.

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