University of Alabama Admissions for Fall 2023

No Ivy plus, UCs and lots of deferrals at Clemson, Michigan, etc. Not the same decision group as most Alabama applicants.

DS got offered an early candidacy to the MBA program today through the STEM path to MBA initiative. Has anyone gone through this program in the past and willing to share their experience? Anyone else thinking about it?

DD got that email as well. But she has already applied and been accepted to the STEM to MBA so I was confused.

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My son will be going into his 4th semester at UA and loves it. I posted this in a different forum:

Let me start off by saying there are many students who enjoy the STEM MBA program and stick with it. Many who drop it their junior year before going into the graduate portion. My son dropped it during his 3rd semester.

We’ve connected with many others who have had experiences similar to his. My son takes his school seriously, wants to learn and is a dedicated and ethical student. Every week during the undergrad MBA classes they needed to do interviews for their projects. Team members weren’t doing their work/ slacking, some were making up interviews of fake people, projects were slapped together for the class. He/ we understand the value of group/ project work, but he wasn’t learning from the way it was a hurry up and get work done and make it up if you need to mentality.

Also, be sure you understand the full cost. The STEM MBA is 4 additional semesters. Doable for many NMF kids who are coming in with credits. But there’s a max of graduate classes you can take as an undergrad, so you’ll just need to plan accordingly.

My son is currently planning to do a traditional MBA and engineering masters at UA, hoping that the graduate level work is organized better/ has more dedicated students than the undergrad portion.

My son once commented that he thinks the STEM MBA is a huge selling point for prospective parents. I know we were sold on it. It wasn’t a good fit for my son at all, but I also wouldn’t tell anyone not to do it.


My son was just notified of his acceptance on Saturday. Snail mail - was an awesome surprise. We are planning to visit presidents weekend. It looks like no weekend tours and nothing on Monday the 20th. I’m not sure if they aren’t doing tours since it’s President’s Day or if they are booked. Does anyone know of other options? We are traveling from Pennsylvania and this is a weekend that works best to visit. Thanks!

Congratulations! My advise is to contact your local recruiter and look to set up a VIP tour. I think it takes 3 weeks of advance notice. You can pick your date, be driven around the campus on a golf cart to your appointments. Overall, a much better experience than a regular tour. The campus is huge, so the golf cart is quite useful!


I would add to this contact a few professors in the area he plans to study.

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Love the snail mail acceptance as well! Only college that did this and way more exciting than a portal letter!

We are in the same boat as far as visiting. We applied late as well and now closed out of all admitted student events. I talked to son’s admission counselor about this and she was willing to put something together for him. We just haven’t picked the date yet as we are further away too (Ohio) so trying to plan a few tours around the same time. I’d suggest reaching out to your admissions contact (noted in app portal). They appear to be very accommodating.

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Our recruiter set up our VIP tour much sooner than 3 weeks I think. Just sayin. It was SO worthwhile.

Has anyone gotten notice of any new supplemental scholarships? Just curious as I saw some had gotten emails this week saying they were still being considered for that.

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We got the email. We are assuming it relates to the engineering honors scholarship. My son looked at the other “supplemental” scholarships and he does not qualify for any of them because the criteria are so narrow for each one. That, or treat as spam sent to all UA applicants.

My son qualifies for that engineering honors automatic scholarship but we’ve heard nothing yet about that. I’m just assuming it will show up in his portal when all the financial info does.


My son has also been accepted to UA and we are from CT and taking our first trip their next week. Our tour is on Wednesday.

My son said he prefers the traditional form because he wants something more social so he can meet people. He feels like the suites would be less social. It seems like suites are preferred. someone who goes there said those in a traditional dorm wish they were in a suite. He also said that the Pres suites are a bit too social and might be hard to sleep and get work done. Does anyone have any insight on the dorm situation?

My daughter is scheduled to attend admitted tide days on March 6th. Does anyone have any information about their experience during this event?

I have a daughter in the Create to MBA program through the Honors College. It was our selling point to UA for sure. She came in with AP credits such that she will get her BA in 3 years and then will be doing summer online MBA work this coming summer (summer leading into effectively her senior year) and then again the summer between undergrad and grad school. Then she only has 1 full year additional for the MBA. In her case, this allows her to use her very generous scholarship for the extra (4th year for her) to get the MBA.

The only caution I would share is that you are not automatically into the Culverhouse MBA program. You still have to apply and have a minimum GRE score at the start of your junior year. In my daughter’s case, this was the first semester of her second year of college. It was alot to handle with a very full schedule and too many credits. She made it though!

She is an Ambassador for the Create/STEM to MBA program and loves it!

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My oldest was in Ridgecrest south suite style and loved it. Just enough social interaction with people on his floor and others with honors events but loved having that downtime and space all to himself plus only sharing a bathroom with one other person. He decorated completely how he wanted with no other input to be considered. He said other students sharing wished they had his room. He now rooms in apartment with others that lived in Pres and they did say it was even more social. Also, check out a few LLC, living learning communities, that group kids according to interests. Hope that helps!

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My DS got into the EPIC scholars program. He has not accepted the invitation yet. Anyone else thinking about it?


Has anyone heard what date in March scholarships and financial aid will be released?

My DD heard on March 10 last year if that helps any.

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