University of Alabama Admissions for Fall 2023

When does Alabama notify students of acceptance for Honors Action one week camp prior to school starting in the fall?

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There is a parent participation fee for Bama Bound. Don’t remember how much but I think it is less if you choose to stay off campus. On campus – yes, need to bring sheets and towels.

We were charged $280.00 total for three of us (S23 plus both parents). I don’t remember the exact breakdown. S23 is staying in the dorms, but we’re staying at the Hotel Capstone. (The hotel was obviously a separate charge, and it was quite a bit more expensive than when we visited in early December. We like the location, though.)


May 5th is what the information page for Honors Action says.

We are visiting Alabama in two weeks for S24. We have our tour booked and also booked a tour of the football stadium. Anything we should make sure we don’t miss while we are on campus?

Does anyone know if it is true that the Blount Scholar program has a very long waiting list? Not sure if that is correct.

We asked around a bit about the +/- of the named scholars programs. My son will be attending as an EPIC scholar. What we were told is that many students start doing research with professors independently of these programs. There is apparently a list of all professors and their research interests. I need to look that up. So, not the answer you were looking for but I guess what I am trying to convey is that a student can do meaningful research independent of Blount or Randall or the Med Scholar programs.

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My son got into Blount…just curious to know as we were told it has been the most competitive year for Blount. I’m sorry for not being more specific in my reason for posting. This was merely curiosity to see if that really was the case. Thank you for your time though.

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Our student finally committed to attend Bama in the Honors college. We’re late to the game, but would love advice on roommate match. Is it roomie, social media or something else? Help please.

Suggest joining “The University of Alabama Parents” FB page … it is extremely informative and the folks are very responsive.

Thank you

My son joined the roommate search page through UA, started chatting with a number of potential roomies based on algorithm and has settled on one who he says is just like him!
He said the social media sites were pretty useless for him and heavily featured kids that were social influencer types.
I have found the parent group on FB (thanks @Gatormama) to be informative on most days. I have found the engineering parents’ group to be the most useful. Is there a Bama local chapter in your area? Ours is pretty fab and very active.

Kiddo (just committed a week ago) wants to do Honors Action, the weeklong pre-move-in gathering. Deadline was April 19 but was extended to Friday.

He went to fill out the application Thursday night and discovered that not only was the application closed, but that he first needed to apply to the Honors College. This was an unpleasant surprise and requires a separate essay (so does Honors Action).

He had been under the impression that he was automatically in Honors … because that is literally what the Blount Scholars website says. Apparently Bama’s definition of automatic and ours are not the same.

So, new tip! Whenever something says automatic, don’t believe it!

Is Camp 1831 on @Gatormama ?? that seemed another popular choice when my D was a freshman.

(She rushed which was at the same time, and whilst some girls managed both, D thought it would be too much - so no first hand experience)

and yes I also thought Blount = auto Honors lol

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Thank you!
He is laser focused on this honors action thing. So 1831 would be a letdown for him, I guess.

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For parents who grew up or attended schools in CA back in the day, did the CSU system have a bad reputation or something? My S24 wants to add SDSU to his list and my husband is like “No way” :roll_eyes: He grew up in southern CA (attended Cal in the 90’s) and is saying there is no way he is allowing him to consider a CSU. I am horrified. I am telling him he sounds just like me back in the day when Northeastern was made fun of and was basically a commuter school and look at the reputation is has now. Help an east coast mom understand why he sounds so biased. Meanwhile he takes no issue with S24 applying to Bama, UTK, etc. What am I missing?

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My son is attending 1831 and he is honors. I actually told him to apply for Honors Action and he preferred 1831. I know a few late enrollees are doing 1831 that are honors.

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We are from San Diego and I also spent my first two years at SDSU before transferring to University of Arizona back in 1995-2000. I will say I was a very average student in high school. I got into SDSU (the only school I applied to!) in a week. So, it is quite shocking to me still that now you pretty much have to have over a 4.0 to get in (at least if you live in our area of SDSU; that’s a whole different thing based on their desire to grow CSU San Marcos). My son did not apply to SDSU, but he applied to U of Arizona and U of Alabama. He is attending Alabama as a National Merit Finalist. It’s a package he couldn’t refuse, but also, in my opinion, Alabama is the superior school in so many ways if you’re comparing the three. That said, people are drawn to San Diego for our gorgeous weather. My son is looking for something different, but obviously Tuscaloosa is not going to compare in the weather department.

There are some parents (grandparents?) and even some GC’s in the Boston area who still consider Northeastern as a safety school. Hence some of the sour grapes expressed here on CC when the 4.0 student is denied. Old opinions die hard.


Thanks for this. S24 loved his Alabama visit last week and it is high in his list!