University of Florida Class of 2027 Official Thread

Hello…I will preface this with, we are relatively new to this whole process. We are OOS and my son was accepted (excited! actually surprised knowing it’s difficult and percentages are low- or at least that’s what was told to my son when he attended the UF presentation at his HS) Anyway, we were late to the game with the “grandparent tuition” grant/waiver for OOS students. We did apply, however probably late considering when it came out. . Is anyone familiar with the program, how and when they are awarded? Or Does anyone have personal experience of receiving this? Thanks in advance!

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I don’t but here is some info

The Grandparent Waiver in Florida: Everything You Need to Know - International College Counselors


Thank you so much!!

I know they can do summer abroad programs through UF to satisfy this summer requirement and that seems like a good painless option.


Thanks for that info. Do you know if those classes be done online?

The 9 credits - I’d check with the school. I do know people that chose to attend other schools because of it and I know people who did the 9 credits on campus and had a great summer.

I would check with the school and ensure you know all the requirements. It’s a state law, not a school thing. But yes you’ll need to research because it may impact how you planned your summers, etc.

This is what UF says for engineering for example - but you’re best to get with the school and find out the official rules - which may depend on your specific program:

Engineering students who complete a full-time engineering summer internship, summer research, or 6 credit hours of summer study abroad can petition to waive some or all of the 9 credit hour requirement once they have completed at least 76 credit hours. Documentation is required

This is what UCF says -

Is there a mandatory summer enrollment requirement at UCF?

Yes. The Florida Board of Governors requires all students who enter a Florida public university with less than 60 semester hours to complete at least nine semester hours prior to graduation by attending one or more summer sessions. University presidents or their designees may waive the application of this regulation in cases of unusual hardship to the individual.

Ok thanks that’s helpful. We’re (way) out of state and we’d like her home in the summers in possible.

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I wouldn’t assume you couldn’t be - I would reach out to the school - because there may be waivers or alternatives.

But yes, I’m sure students back out of the state schools once they learn about this.

But hopefully there’s a way - internship or otherwise - around it. I don’t know. Florida experts can tell you - but I wanted to bring up because many aren’t aware.

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Honestly it is pretty easy to meet the summer hours students can take an online class, study abroad or many start freshman year in summer B. I am not sure about internships but it seems that they are pretty flexible on the requirement and I have not heard of it being an issue.
This requirement has been in place for years even when I went to UF. You may also find that your child doesn’t want to come home for 4 months over the summer and will want to stay in Gainesville for a few more weeks. That is what I did after freshman year. It was just too much fun in Gainesville and summer B is a really fun time more relaxed than the regular semesters and plenty of time for trips to Ginnie Springs etc.


I think it will come with scholarships. That is what FSU sent them out with.


First of all, congrats! We are OOS, son in top 4% of class with great stats etc. and did not get in. The good news for you and others is that we applied for a grandparent waiver way back in August…and so we won’t be using that now lol! I think if you are awarded it right away, they should notify you mid-March. If not, there is a waitlist (but not sure when you find that out). There is another thread on here that addresses it Grandparent Waiver Information for Prospective & Current State University System Parents & Students - #8 by Terra9 Melissa96 on that thread would likely be able to answer your questions…pretty sure she works in admissions. Congrats again and Good Luck! And Go Gators!


Thank you!

Thank you so much for the info… and for the link to the other thread regarding this. (Like I said, I’m new to all of this, lol)
This whole admissions process is really wild. You just don’t know. I’ll be honest, we were surprised(pleasantly) but really were expecting a denial. My son has very good stats, all the other stuff etc… but it seems like everyone does, right? Anyway, best of luck to your student! They all end up where they are supposed to!:blush:


There used to be a lot (LOT) of grumbling about this (way back in 2013) even for instate students. The biggest grumble was that you couldn’t use bright futures in the summer (because you weren’t enrolled in 12 credits for any one term). The schools had ways of giving more FA for the summer terms and somehow, THOUSANDS of students made it work. Every year. Now you can use Bright Futures, Pell grants can be used in the summer, loans can be used… it is really not a big deal. You can control how you do it like spread it over 3 years, take all 9 credits in one summer, take really fun classes and work full time, etc.

Since covid, many schools have alternative ways of getting those 9 summer hours in. Study abroad, FA for on campus, Maymesters, internships, online. It is a state requirement but the schools get to decide what ‘counts’ for those 9 credits.

Classmates of my kids wanted to start college ASAP and many went directly from hs graduation to summer start. I know one who liked the summers and graduated after 2-3 years with summers, AP, DE and other credits picked up before college even started.

If your student wants to be home for a summer, it is possible to take three Maymesters for 3 credits each and be home from June 1 to about mid-August (Florida schools start earlier than most schools - I guess so students can experience the summer heat). Otherwise they will be home in May when most of their friends aren’t, and when summer internships may not be ready for them.

tl;dr The summer requirement is no big deal


someone above stated they did. Most people who are rejected don’t post here but it did happen.

That post was mine as well.

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In my world, all of those who got the email would be admitted to this school.

It sounds like a horrible thing happened. We read about these every year.

I know people are upset and asking what should the school do.

But what more can they do other than notify folks they made an error - as long as they did it timely.

Yes, it absolutely stinks - but they also have capacity issues and quality of applicant levels and all the other stuff - so they can’t just accept everyone.

It absolutely, 100% stinks and hopefully no one withdrew from other schools thinking they were headed to UF.

But realistically, other than informing of the error as soon as it was realized, I’m not sure what can be expected.

Even with all the technology in the world, mistakes have and will continue to happen. It’s like having a job offer and then having it pulled - it sucks - but there’s really no recourse.


Hi, I was wondering if Finance majors have to take the Aleks Math Placement Test?

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Can’t argue with any of that. I still feel for those it happened to, that’s all.