University of Georgia Early Action for Fall 2023 Admission

Yes, we did the UGA recalculation. Our school (private) does not offer AP courses (they got rid of them years ago), but claim our courses are on par or above the AP rigor. Still, having never received anything below an A/A- in the 12 years of school and a high 1530+ SAT along with difficult rigor, it was disappointing to get a deferral.

Praying for good news.

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No reason to pray - your student did everything they could and will have great opportunities regardless. They, not the school, will ultimately make their success.

UGA is definitely one of the schools, like U Miami, where deferral is not a death knell. Many seem to get in each year. And they do note that if you are deferred - your academics are on par.

I do think that because apps are up 15K over 3 years, they can be choosier - and yes, this clips some strong students. Good luck - but with stats like those and assuming a balanced non academic background, no doubt your student will excel wherever they attend, UGA or otherwise.

Students who receive a deferral of decision are academically competitive for admissions, and are deferred so that their application can undergo additional holistic review.


Thank you. If we are being logical, we understand :heart: We happen to live in a place where only the numbers are discussed.

No one in their school has ever gone to UGA (classmates think they are nuts for even applying) as at their school there is a lot of pressure to go to HYP, other top 20 schools, or the well known/academic LACs. We are in a hub of high achieving students. Our applicant really wants to get out of this bubble and enjoy the next 4 years - UGA is where they hope to do that.

I know they will be successful wherever they end up, but I am also hoping for some excitement and happiness too. They’ve had rejection and deferrals (in at the “safety”) and it’s been really tough on their self confidence.

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There’s so many schools that are “like” UGA - I think - I’m sure if not UGA they can find another - starting with the big SEC schools - an Alabama is parallel, a Clemson in some ways, Va Tech, and many more.

So hopefully you have UGA subs just in case…


My daughter was admitted in the RD Feb wave. We are from California, trying to schedule our visits to her top schools. Does anyone know when the admitted student day for UGA is going to be?

There is one this Friday, March 3rd and another on March 27th.

I thought that as per the UGA Twitter, there is only 1 more round on 3/17. Can anyone clarify?

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@bschops8 UGA will release decisions March 17.
Per Pandamom clarification below, she was giving the dates of UGA admitted student days.



Thanks Pandamom2! Did you receive an invite or is there a link to sign up for these? My daughter hasn’t received any email. Thank you again!

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I’m really confused. My son was accepted EA and we haven’t received any information on admitted student days. Their website says there are no sessions scheduled at this time.

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My son was accepted EA and got an email or a notification in the portal (not sure which) about New Dawgs. He signed himself up for this Friday. I don’t know much more about it.

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Thank you so much! I had my son check his portal and he was able to sign up.


I’m not sure what you’re referring to. GT had an admitted students day last week and has another in March. UGA’s are this Friday and the one on March 27th.

My apologies. I misread and thought you were referring to the RD decision release. I’ll edit my post.

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Just confirming, but did UGA actually say that OOS Regular Decisions will be made by March 17th, or is that just the date for in-state?

Per Twitter:

The remaining UGA freshman decision dates are now official. Our very small group of Wave 1 acceptances (almost all are RD applicants who would have been admitted in EA based on their superior academics) will go out of February 17, and Final Decisions will go out on March 17.



Do you know what time?

Hugh Hodgson School of Music decisions are out this Sunday.

My daughter is anxiously waiting to see if she got Honors, and if she will get a scholarship. She really loves UGA but we are OOS and without a scholarship there is no way the money will work. She has been accepted to Clemson and USC Honors Colleges so she has good options but really likes UGA! Does anyone know when they might make notifications about honors and scholarships?

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