University of Georgia Early Action for Fall 2023 Admission

I just calculated my son’s Georgia GPA and I think he is screwed by the fact our private school doesn’t offer many APs. He took 2 as a junior, and is taking 3 as a senior, and that is pretty much all that he could take - but all classes were honors. So with 32 semester grades of As and A-s, am I correct his GPA is a 4.06? Hmm, does not bode well.

What are his other stats?

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Sounds right. My current UGA sophomore had six total APs, two by the end of junior year, and a similar GPA. He had a 35 ACT which may have helped, essays were very strong and I am certain he fell in the group where they read the essays. And the number of APs were in line with others in the top of the class. He is at a competitive private school that at the time did not offer that many APs, although they have added a few that can be taken earlier which helps the situation. He got in early action. Don’t lose hope!

They will consider his transcript in light of the number of APs he could’ve taken, and also look to see where his GPA puts him in his class by looking at the school profile that is provided when the transcript is sent. Even if schools don’t rank, their profile provides a breakdown of GPA and percentile.

All this to say, if the rest of the application is strong I think he’s got a good chance if not today in the spring.


Good luck to everyone today!


extremely nervous, think imma go sleep til 4 so i dont have to wait painfully

I’ve got a question on the UGA system. Do they add 1-point only for the official “AP” class that is taken and give 0-points for the Pre-AP classes that are taken over several years? Obviously, if you’re in a regular Spanish 3 class or Algebra 2 it’s going to be easier than Spanish 3 Pre-AP or Algebra 2 Pre-AP?

They only add one point for official AP or IB classes. No points are given for pre-anything, honors, or dual enrollment.


Only 1 for official AP. So AP Spanish gets a point. This is 5th level language. Spanish 3 does not. I’ve never heard of pre-AP. Sounds like that’s what your school calls honors classes but those don’t get any extra points

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Yes, “Pre-AP” is Honors (preps kids for AP classes). Ok, so do they count Middle School grades for HS credits? My dd took Spanish 1 & 2 in MS along with Algebra 1 (Honors) and Geometry (Honors). They show up on her HS Transcript with the grades, but the HS doesn’t use those grades on her official HS GPA. But, since the grades are shown, does UGA use them in the recalculation?

They do not use middle school grades.

Last question, do they actually look at her AP scores? She got 5s in Spanish, Psychology, English Lang & Comp, and she got 4s in Statistics, US Hist and Physics I. She’s taking 6 more APs this year. She’ll graduate with 13 APs overall, but we won’t know the grades on the rest until this summer.

Per the FAQ on the UGA Admissions Blog

AP scores are not considered in the application review, but AP courses taken are considered when reviewing rigor of curriculum. Additionally, enrolled students may receive college credit for certain scores on AP tests. You can find more information here: UGA AP Credit Equivalences | Credit From Testing | Students | Office of the Registrar

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EA Decisions update on the UGA Admissions Blog…

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Wow! That is quite a jump on the lower end. I think average UGA GPA for admitted applicants last year was 4.12 which would be below the 25th percentile for EA. Crossing fingers over here!

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Good luck to everyone waiting on this afternoon’s decision release! :heart: :black_heart: :heart: :black_heart:

For kicks, here are links to the EA decisions over the past few years. It is interesting indeed. And crazy how the number of applications has increased!

2020 EA Decisions

2021 EA Decisions - test optional year

2022 EA Decisions


The blog indicates that 60% of the acceptances are in state which means an EA acceptance rate of approx 21% OOS compared to approx 47% in state.

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I didn’t realize the lower range jumped so much between 21 and 22. Thankful this is my last one!


That is true but David Graves has said for several years that OOS applications as a whole are weaker academically than in state. The reason he gives is that UGA is self selecting to some extent in state - people realize how hard it is to get into, there is a proven track record on what it takes from a particular high school, etc so weaker applicants tend not to apply. OOS kids don’t have the same experience. He does say in this blog post that stats for in state and OOS for EA admissions are the same, but he expects a bigger difference in RD. These stats have gone up dramatically over the last 3 years on the lower end, even while admitting significantly more students, which does indicate a stronger pool over all.

I think if you are in the upper range, whether in state or OOS, you are in good shape.

Could it be they are higher in EA but will skew lower once the entire class is set months down the road ?

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It definitely drops when RD is accepted, but not by that much in recent years, and it goes up every year it seems. That is the great thing about UGA - you can pull up the stats for EA and total admits for every year so you get a good feel for where you stand for admission.

Here is last years admitted freshman profile: 25th percentile for grades dropped down to a 4.0 with average of a 4.16. Rest stayed pretty much the same.

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