University of Georgia Early Action for Fall 2023 Admission

i didnt recalculate but he has a A in every core subject. our school doesnt go above 4. not sure what the uga recalc is but with all A in core subjects i am guessing its a 4

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My child thinks Auburn is a great option but he’s never visited​:joy:. He likes the research he’s done and their marketing materials :slight_smile: In all seriousness, he wants to be a mechanical engineer, intrigued by space. Auburn does a great job publicizing their relationship with NASA, he likes the size of the school which is roughly half the size of UGA although honors college at UGA may change his view on that, From their marketing stuff it seems that Auburn is a top 30 undergrad engineering program - not sure whose ranking. They’re also roughly 6000 undergrad engineers so a good size program that seems to be one of the premier programs at the school. He’s also in at Alabama, he’s been an Alabama fan his entire life, we are alumni but he seems inclined to choose Auburn for strength of program.

UGA lis a much newer program although they’ve ramped up pretty quickly. If it comes down to choosing between the two he will look at both, and will probably throw Bama into the mix for comparison purposes and to visit Tuscaloosa.


Is the 4.0 weighted or unweighted? Be sure and read the UGA Admissions blog post about the admits yesterday, and follow the link to how to calculate a UGA GPA. They re-calculate everybody’s GPA because all schools are different and they want a simplified way to compare between students. The way they do it is laid out in detail.

Because UGA only gives a point for AP or IB classes, and does not give any weight to honors, dual enrollment, or non-core classes, a calculated UGA GPA is generally lower than a weighted GPA at a school.

Although the statistical releases are never perfect, they should give you a good idea of where your student stands in relation to admitted applicants. The GPA is most important, the GPAs listed on the graphic are using their formula, so to get a real handle on it you need to know that number.

That being said, admits were conservative for EA due to the large increase in applications. Historically, a large number of deferred kids get in RD. They will compare the deferred EA kids in light of the RD applicant pool, and typically EA kids are stronger academically.


daughter also deferred from NY with fantastic stats. thought it was going to be an easy in. maybe just hard on new yorkers this round?


D23 got in. So thankful, in state, don’t know her UGA GPA, she has more dual enrolled classes and just 5 AP so a little worried but it’s all good. Waiting on 2 other GA schools as she wants to stay in state.


Did you see the stats ? 60% were in state but telling is far more were deferred than admitted. Many of those kids will be admitted.

UGA is not an easy in and hasn’t been for a while.

When you see a 4.16 gpa for the bottom 25th percent and Honors gets no bump - that is really higher than it shows as most high schools weight Honors. In other words their 4.16 may be a 4.3 or 4.4 at your HS.

If UGA were smaller - like a UNC or UVA - its admitted rate would be much lower.

It’s not an easy in but if you have strong stats, you are not out yet. And last year many deferred posted receiving merit.

Stay patient. But be prepared with other schools just in case.

But no one should be under the mindset that it’s an easy admit. There are like schools that are relatively easy admits down South - but not UGA and UF - and to a lesser extent U of SC, Clemson, and FSU.


Son accepted from NY - strong stats and ECs. Really excited. Does anyone have insights on how Terry works? Do all students need to apply after their freshman year? How hard is it to get into if his focus will be marketing? Trying to compare the merits of going to a school where he has already been accepted into the business school versus one that requires admissions later. Thanks for any insights.


Daughter was accepted!
In state/NE Atlanta area
4.17 UGA gpa
1290 SAT
10 AP’s
All 10 activities filled out on Common App with several leadership roles/awards in drama and art/solid job experience/girl scouts

She is over the moon excited! Uga is her top school as it’s one of only a handful who have the degree she wants. We were worried her SAT would be too low. Her high school admits roughly 50+ kids each year out of 450+ class size, most (but not all) of her close friends also received acceptances.


i get it, no school is an easy in. it’s college, you have to work for it. However her brother got into UGA with stats far lower than hers - it is incredibly surprising to us and her counselors that she was not admitted. I did see the stats and am still surprised she did not get in.

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I have a kid that is in Terry. He applied this fall as a sophomore and got his first choice, finance. If grades are good first year including in core business classes, admission to Terry is not an issue. Admit rate varies by major (finance and MIS are viewed to be most difficult, econ easiest). For management no need to take accounting entrance exam (required for finance and accounting) which is a barrier for some - not easy. They do consider SAT/ACT and as an early admit I assume your child’s are strong which will help. Do know though that the business classes are tough and accounting is a weed out so need to do well in those. I think this is really true most places though.

Even though it is not a direct admit business school, admit rates are much higher than for schools like UVA and UNC where half get rejected. Your kid is obviously a strong student but time management is really important at UGA where there are a lot of distractions!

Not sure what year the brother is but things have changed dramatically over the past several years. This year alone, EA applications jumped 21 percent. Stats go up every year. The bottom 25% percentile was a 4.0 for EA just two years ago. Now it is a 4.16. And that is for the bottom quartile, so many with those GPAs didn’t get in. And as explained, that is the UGA GPA. Most have a 4.0 unweighted GPA plus more than a few APs.

It is a very competitive admission particularly for EA.

Thanks for the response - very helpful. Good luck to everyone over the next few months.

Reminder to all that housing registration opened today. If you think your admitted child might go to Georgia and you’re willing to part with $35, this gets you in line to pick housing early which makes a difference at UGA! FYI


Hi, How do we do that?

Your kid got an email with a UGA ID and a link to creat an account and password. Once they do that then they can register for housing and pay the $35.


Maybe NY state has a low yield so they defer some solid applicants to see if they’ll show interest.

Our Dallas area HS enrolled 18 at UGa this fall. It’s taking the cool, smart crowd.


My dd was deferred. She is going to send this semester’s grades once exams are over and she has grades from her DE University. She is also trying to get her volunteer hours from our Church and from the hockey rink she volunteers at on Saturdays. Other than that, I’m not sure what else she needs to send in as she has to look again. She is actually leaning towards UNG now.

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Just curious, is she looking at UNG Oconee or Dahlonega?

Virginia student also- was deferred.
1400 SAT
4.18 weighted
3.97 unweighted
7 AP

The data from the admissions blog is really helpful. I realize the ACT scores in the slide are super scored across the 4 sections while they say actual admissions are based on math/english only.

Does anyone know if the math/english average would be comparable to the 4 section average of 32-34 for middle 50% of admittances…or potentially higher?

Separately, any idea on how UGA weights their GPA calc vs rigor vs standardized test scores vs essays/extracurricular/etc?

Lastly, how different are the stats represented in blog for in state vs out of state? I recall seeing somewhere that historically there wasn’t a big difference but not sure this year.
