University of Georgia Early Action for Fall 2024 Admission

Found last year’s blog post.

I agree–I bet they’ll defer a bunch of people, in-state and out. My child is in-state, and has the needed over-4.1 UGA GPA, but has a 1360 on the SAT. My guess is a deferral and then an acceptance . . . but who knows these days? :face_with_monocle:


Yes, they consider the entire SAT but only the English and Math portion of the ACT

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Do you have some sort of working idea of needing x Score to go with x GPA. My student has a 4.6 UGA GPA with 14 AP/DE classes but an SAT below 1400. With the GPA and rigor being weighted more than tests is that enough? I guess only time will tell.

Are you in state or out of state? If you are in state, your school college counselors should be able to tell you where your kid stands. For our in state private school, there is a clear line of demarcation on the Naviance/ Scoir charts. If you have access to those, you should be able to see the stats of the students from your school who were accepted early action during the past few cycles. My guess is that if your child’s UGA GPA is really a 4.6 and the SAT is close to 1400, the chances for an early acceptance are pretty good even if you are out of state. Note that UGA only adds extra points to the GPA for AP and IB. They do not add weight for DE or honors.

Here is a link with the EA accepted student statistics for last year. Note this is different than the link posted up thread with the overall stats of the applicant pool. As you can see, a 4.6 is well above the middle 50 percent range of 4.16 to 4.38.


In state. Our school doesn’t use Naviance and our counselors don’t do any kind of specialized counseling for college, but our public high school is high performing and well known. IB diploma candidate.

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My best guess is that your child will get in early action but will not get an auto admit to the honors college. Of course, this is just pure conjecture. A lot may depend on how your student compares to other applicants from her school and how many students UGA typically accepts from the school. UGA does not have quotas on how many students they will take from any given high school, but the numbers tend to be fairly consistent from year to year. Good luck. :crossed_fingers:

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Thanks! My older daughter had a similar UGA GPA and a 1440 and did not get into honors but did get into UGA. Did not attend.

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good luck to all of you. my daughter is a freshman at UGA from out of state and is having a great experience both socially and academically.


Can you say–is she more artsy/bohemian or preppy-sportsy? Im worried there are no artsy people there.

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I’d say highly likely to be admitted. But may be a deferral in EA. Could be accepted in EA too. But 25th percentile SAT for EA acceptance was 1370 last year.

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Yes, her SAT is on the low end for sure for EA admission. I’m hoping the gpa makes up for it, but like everyone else we will see where the chips fall. Doesn’t have her heart set on UGA either.

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hmm I would say she leans more preppy-sporty but I think the student body as a whole has plenty of the “other type” and I wouldn’t worry overly about fitting in- it’s a big school. but prob deserves a visit to be sure. I mean it’s not California but when I have been there I have noticed plenty of less-mainstream-looking people. def my daughter’s crowd, being Greek and in the big social dorm, is more sporty (not so much preppy though). there is an art school and a music school, and a forestry school that has outdoorsy types. so it’s gonna depend a little on the clubs you join to find your people I guess. they are there but they aren’t the majority like at some schools. it’s 80% people from Georgia so that’s a factor, but I do think it felt open and accepting.

I’m not a student there so you can’t really take my word for any of this…


Double check that UGA GPA and be sure that you are only counting core classes where they have already received a grade. Do they have 14 AP classes through junior year? That is the only way I can make that math work assuming 6 core classes a year.


She has an extra history and an extra science. Do they not count as core? Like two histories one year and two sciences one year. But I’ll double check. Thank you. IB diploma. And working off of Dr. Graves directions here:

Meant to say AP/IB. No DE classes.

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Yes they are core but just really unusual to have 14 APs complete before end of junior year. With 6 cores a year that is 18 classes and 14 were AP? Most schools would not allow that.

fwiw, I think they compute the UGA gpa and then there is some sort of bump for class rigor and HS reputation for rigor.

Also, if your HS has naviance or scoir, check out the graph of accepted EA students in years past. At our HS and all of my sibling’s schools it’s a pretty clear line of accepted vs rejected.


There’s no bump for high school rigor. AP and IB classes get a one point bump. Dual enrollment and honors get no extra points added. It’s all clearly explained on the admissions blog, and the statistics posted by UGA are using their re-calculated GPA. That’s why it’s so important to be sure you’ve done it correctly to figure out where you fall.

That being said, they view honors classes favorably over regular classes and are aware of high school rigor when they do their full review. It’s just not added into or reflected in the UGA GPA.


Have portal logins been sent yet?

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