University of Georgia Early Action for Fall 2024 Admission

I don’t know if the bump is applied to the UGA gpa or to some sort of overall score, but there is definitely something added for class schedule rigor and HS reputation.

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I’ve recalculated multiple times. For IB Diploma students with all As, it doesn’t seem like 4.5+ is that uncommon.


It’s just something they consider during their review along with a lot of other factors, like involvement, leadership, essays, etc.

For IB diploma, yes. Not really sure how all that works but if every IB diploma class gets a bump, that would be huge. Having 14 AP classes through the end of your junior year would be unusual from what I have seen.

I believe so, my D24 seems to have hers set up.

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Any idea when the out of state notification date for early action will be ?

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UGA doesn’t separate in-state & out of state. Usually the EA decisions come out the Friday before Thanksgiving.

ETA: As the next post says, this has changed this year

This year, UGA is separating in-state and OOS EA (see admissions blog). In-state is mid-late Nov and OOS is early Dec.


Right. I was asking if anyone had seen or heard a specific OOS decision date yet as ‘early December’ is broad. Thank you !

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UGA grad here. The school and Athens as a whole have tons of artsy people! The arts/music scene has always been strong. I wouldn’t worry about that at all.


We are OOS (NJ) and my daughter attends a rigorous magnet STEM school. She has taken highest rigor and because her school is STEM, she has taken 4 more science classes (Biotech, Biotech 2, Bioethics, Experimental Design, etc). than my son took in traditional high school. Her school does not offer AP/IB, they do DE for senior year and a professional internship. Reading about the AP/IB weighting, with no consideration for Honors or DE, and I get a little sick. When I just checked Naviance to see how she may compare to other students, saw she had the request from UGA that they want to connect with her. Maybe this is a good sign :slight_smile:

OOS son applied EA. Business Major. 33 ACT. Private Catholic HS

OOS DD applied EA. Business major 1380 SAT, 3.85 UW, 4.45 W, 4.15 UGA GPA
8 APs including the 4 this year. Lots of Community service (300), 3 varsity sports, 2 are Captains,
NHS, great rec from math and english, founder of club at HS.


The stats are certainly within the 25/75 splits. Best of luck.


what’s the recalculated UGA GPA?
If by a small chance she gets deferred that is when they will take a deep dive into her rigorous courses.
During EA round they move things along using the GPA so with that being said, what is her recalculated UGA GPA?

4.15 is the recalculated GPA

that’s great - I would not stress
my student has only 5 APs through junior year because you can’t take any as a freshman at our school and it is uncommon to get approved for any as a sophomore. so even with 18 A’s in core classes and the extra bump from the 5AP classes it is not much higher then an 4.15.
NJ is great until it is time to apply to college.

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Note: for in-state applicants, Admissions has released the notification date: Fri Nov 17 4 pm


Will be very interesting to see what the out of state admission rate will be this year.

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In recent years, OOS acceptance rate hasn’t been very different from in-state. The yield for OOS is generally much lower. And the increase in EA applications this year was fully in-state.