University of Georgia Early Action for Fall 2024 Admission

It may be a regional difference. Metro Atlanta public high schools are extremely competitive and students know they will need to take a lot to be admitted to UGA or Ga Tech. Also, a lot of EA admits to UGA are IB students who are required to take 6 IB classes their junior and senior year to be eligible for the IB diploma and often take at least a few AP classes in 9th and 10th grade to prepare for the future rigor.


Yes itā€™s a shock when you are from an area/high school that has set restrictions on taking AP classes. Be assured that admissions knows how different high schools work all over the country. Thatā€™s why there are officers assigned to specific regions of a state/state.

Those ranges posted in the STATS graphic are just ranges.

Look how many people got in and noted their SAT was not within the range shown in the graphic or even the UGA GPA range.

UGA knows that not every student is allowed to take 7 AP classes starting Day 1 of high school.


Hi all! Anyone know the EA response timeline for OOS?

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Admissions blog says middle of December

Are people listing senior year too? For example I would say ā€œ12 APsā€ for mine, but that includes senior year.

Blog states itā€™s all APs through senior year

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Same here. In CT. There is no possible way for our kids to take that many as they are restricting them. We have a lot available but due to holding them until usually junior year they donā€™t have the opportunity to take that many. Also I see a lot that kids are already in Alg 2 going into high. We may be seriously falling behind-not sure if thatā€™s good or bad !

Rigor can present in many ways. AP courses are
one way and, for many, a good way. My daughter was accepted EA with 7 APs but has other strengths she preferred to focus on which also showed rigor. I was happy to see those appreciated by UGA.


Exactly. My sonā€™s school is IB and heā€™s in the diploma program. They only offer a handful of AP Classes (Stat, Calc and APUSH - Heā€™s taken all three.) The rest are all IB (Physics, Chem, Lit, German, etcā€¦)

The IB Diploma program is extremely rigorous and well respected by college admissions officers. He still had time to do a bunch of extracurriculars too.

The ā€œstandardā€ route in our HS is Algebra 1 in 9th, Geometry in 10th, and Algebra 2 in 11th. The only way to do anything different is if you ā€œdouble upā€ and take Algebra 1 and Geometry in 9th and Algebra 2 and pre-calc in 10th. Then you can take AP Calc, Stats, etc. Occasionally if a kid is ā€œadvancedā€ they can start with Algebra 2 in 9th but they have to be specially recommended for that. Both my kids are humanities kids and did the standard math route. Was hard for SAT and ACT b/c they hadnā€™t seen some of the math before, but it is what it is.

similar here - but they switched to Geo 4 years ago for 9th grade, then Alg 1, 2, then precalc.
Few doubled up in 9th taking Geo and Alg 2 enabling one to reach calc senior year.
A few enter in Alg 2.

The school profile is an AOā€™s ā€œtreasure mapā€ and the ones who remain in the job and their territory for several years know the ins and outs of their applicantā€™s schools. Lots of turnover in these positions beyond the temp help schools bring in to get through application season.

I havenā€™t seen the exact stats for UGA, but I would imagine that most admitted students took Calculus in high school.



We are from Ga., I mistakenly posted 12 AP courses for my daughter stats. It was actually 9ā€¦She was able to take 2 as sophomore, 4 junior, and 3 senior year. We got a special permission to allow her 4 in her junior year because they would keep inline with GA graduation requirements and her teaches felt it wouldnā€™t be a problem. I have so.e coworkers who home school and most of them are allowed to take 3 to 4 AP per easily, depending on the curriculum used. We also have the advantage of living in a county (Houston) which constantly ranks favorably in state/national for education.

Yes, theyvare most likely including the senior year classes. UGA will see what classes they are taking their senior when the counselor submit their academic information.

In most of the top GA districts many kids can take Algebra in Middle school and end up with AP calc by junior year. Also in GA there are many APā€™s offered. My S tooK AP world sophomore year , and by Junior year had a almost full AP schedule as well as Senior year. There are two AP econs each a semester, plus he took all his physics AP. Comp sci AP. AP stats. So the info coming from UGA for instate skews for the abundance of APā€™s.


My daughter is a 1st year at UGA from OOS (NJ). When she applied EA last year she only had grades in 3 AP classes from junior year and was currently taking 3 more as a senior. She was accepted.

I do think the low number of APā€™s early on might have kept her from getting auto accepted into Honors there, but later when she had 1st semester grades for those 3 senior APā€™s she did apply and get into Honors.

She loves UGA, by the way.


Glad itā€™s working out.

Does anyone know when honors college application will open for those that were not auto admits? Also has anyone received physical letter of admission? Not that important but was curious.

Honors applications should be open.

Where would I access this application? Is it in the admissions portal or elsewhere?