Why post this in the Dartmouth forum?
Yikes! It was meant for general parent forum :-0
deleted since the two threads have been merged
Not a hate crime but just disgusting. Roommate from hell, good this she is gone.
Still horrified. What an absolute low life person.
Cannot fathom how disgusting this woman’s behavior is…
They have charged the Former U Hart student with a hate crime.
from the article -
They should transfer any financial aid relased by that criminal being gone to the victim. So disgusting. I hope she spends some time in a jail cell and years doing community service. I also strongly suspect this kid got away with disgusting behavior before she left home.
Despicable. I wish I could say I’m surprised anyone would do what this student and the one in Tennessee did, but nothing surprises me anymore.
This is a hate crime. Period.
I almost threw up just reading that.
ETA: It bothers me that so many people label this kind of behavior as psychotic.
No, there are truly just horrible, racist, bigoted, whatever people in the world who believe some people are beneath them. They’re not mentally ill. They’re scum.
You can find this story all over because it is so disgusting. The AA roommate, nicknamed Jazzy, got quite ill and it may have been from her horrible roommate contaminating things! Yikes!
The school had been dithering about what to do until Jazzy went on FB live. The horrible roommate had already been picked up by the local police. Now she is expelled too.
OMG. Talk about toxic roomie.
What a disgusting story. Its hard to imagine what sort of mind this girl has to even think up the things she did.
I actually feel quite nauseous.
There is already this thread: http://talk.qa.collegeconfidential.com/parents-forum/2029165-university-of-hartford-student-does-disgusting-things-to-roommate.html
Read the article. It is unlikely the roommate’s illness is due to coming into contact with the gross stuff. Unless the toxic roomie was really contagious. It is more likely psychological in nature. The illness is likely real, but antibiotics and antivirals will not help.
Forgive me if someone has posted about this. I thought the current “Psycho Roommate” thread would be about it, but it’s not. This is a psycho roommate. A very sick bigoted young lady. Paywall. If you run out of free articles try switching browsers and get ten more free articles: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/11/01/us/brianna-brochu-hartford.html?smid=tw-nytimes&smtyp=cur&_r=0
Sorry @BunsenBurner That’s not true because people can be asymptomatic carriers of different viruses and bacteria. Especially when the roommate was putting fecal bacteria on her utensils and toothbrush. I know this because my son has been an asymptomatic carrier of strep. Jazzy was symptomatic before she knew that the roommate was doing this and she had a bacterial infection confirmed by a physician. So it could not have been in her mind. There is a reason you are supposed to wash your hands after using the restroom.
edit -spelling