University of Hartford student does disgusting things to roommate

This is horrible, I have no words. What’s wrong with these people??

I keep saying very few things shock me about people, but this has me absolutely shocked!!! My heart goes out to the young lady targeted. These charges don’t seem harsh enough.

@IfYouOnlyKnew I was thinking the same thing. I would file a civil suit against her. I assume the perpetrator had followers on Instagram and it makes me wonder why none of her friends said " hey if you don’t stop I’m notifying authorities". In addition to her being malicious, she was quite dumb. Who documents crimes on Instagram???

@partyof5 The fact that none of her IG followers spoke up in a month and a half is part of my shock. I can’t believe people were aware of this behavior and never said a word.

I wonder what kind of parents raised a kid like that.

Exactly! I’m so appalled and imagine her parents did raise her to be like that! That girl should be charged with more than a misdemeanor. This was a hate crime and should be prosecuted as such.

I wish I could link the video of the victim. She said she was nice to the girl, shared her microwave and fridge with her. It wasn’t until she decided to move out did the roommate even acknowledge her. She needs serious consequences for her actions.

When D1 was a freshman, a young man said he would never date anyone who wasn’t white. When he said that everyone at the dining table gave him a lot of grieve. So I am surprised this white girl’s friends didn’t say anything or do anything about it. BTW - that young man ended up with an Asian girlfriend by end of year.

This girl seriously has mental issues and needs psychiatric help. I have to agree that this was a hate crime and she should be prosecuted.

@svcamom I’m not sure she needs psychiatric help. I am a firm believer that social media has just brought out the true nature of some that would’ve otherwise remained suppressed.

I remember last year that a group of teens basically kidnapped a special needs young man in Chicago and tortured him then streamed it on Facebook live. Wth???

Everyone wants to get a following online and it has created some horrible monsters!

I’m glad they are upping the charges against her. What she had done shows a complete disregard of the humanity of the girl she bullied. I strongly suspect this girl has a history of mean bullying and was never stopped in her tracks through significant consequences. I think it’s crazy that if her target were white, the consequences would be minimal. Don’t get me wrong, I totally agree that there should be increased charges if the bully targeted based on race. My comment is that I think the base-line consequence for bullying is too low, and if you don’t stop a bully early on, the behavior escalates.

She should be charged for hate crimes, absolutely lose her scholarship and have to do some serious community service after whatever (hopefully) time she serves. In the meantime, as a parent I’d want to know if my kid was reading these messages and not saying anything. That would be very disappointing to me. At the very least someone could have let her in on what was happening confidentially. And any of those “friends” of hers should somehow be punished as well for not reporting these incidents that clearly went on for some time. Not that I would excuse any action like this, but had it happened once after a bad fight or something, you could almost say it was bad judgement and revenge. Having spent months torturing this poor girl means there’s something more going on with this woman child and they should throw the book at her.

I think the college is well rid of the little psychopath. If I were the college administration, I’d be having a serious talk with the RAs and the dorm supervisors, though. This sort of situation would have been noticed in the school I went to. First semester freshman year is such a delicate time, and if roommates aren’t getting along it can derail two college careers.

And the next thing I’m going to say is going to sound totally contradictory, but I now have some level of pity for this 18 year old bully whose name and horrible deed are in the national news. I hope she will be punished, will learn and somehow become a better person, and then be able to move forward in her life, rather than forever more being known as “that girl”. I like that in Europe if someone googles your name, they won’t see past 10 years. It gives humans a chance to evolve and move away from the bad things we did when we were young, stupid, and thought the world revolved around us.

^I’m not sure we can file this under things that a NORMAL young, stupid, self- absorbed teenager would do. Just like a young child who abuses animals and increases their psychopathic behaviors into adolescence, this IMHO would be more in that realm. These actions go far beyond typical freshman college behaviors. I will agree though that this girl needs some real help for whatever her dx ends up being.

I’m also wondering about all the kids who saw those instagram posts and did nothing…


This is the most horrendous, nastiest activity that I have ever read about. The roommate should face the most severe charges possible and they should include jail time.

What horrible, malicious things to do to an innocent roommate. Not sure there is any MH diagnosis for a mean-spirited hateful person. While psychopathic tendencies acknowledge the lack of remorse, psychopaths don’t necessarily purposely target others in this way. This is just awful, and the girl deserves the retribution she may get from a roommate in a cell.

Apparently she is now saying

"Brochu told authorities she had licked Rowe’s kitchen utensils and put her body fluid on her backpack but said “anything else she bragged about on social media was a lie in an attempt to ‘appear funny.’”

If she gets a decent lawyer she may beat some of the charges. The victim has medical records that she had been getting sick but how do you prove you got sick from what she was doing as opposed to just getting the average cold?

The Hartford woman should share a jail cell with this student from Tennessee. They are made for each other.