University of Miami class of 2022

I think they’re telling people otherwise because they don’t want applicants to be confident that it’ll be today – for the surprised effect I’m assuming. On Instagram last week they said it will definitely be released before Christmas. Therefore, I am hopeful it’ll be today. Fingers crossed!

i think ED will find out today…im going to call later but for the past 3 years its been the 15th so

Just called admissions, they said that it got pushed back because the Hurricane slowed everything down, and they’re a bit behind this year. They wouldn’t comment whether or not it was today, but it sounds like it’s probably sometime next week.

the hurricane happened in september…before the deadline. the school reopened on septemeber 25 so I don’t think that would affect it.

I’m so bummed now.

As a Floridian, it seems like everyone is using the hurricane as an excuse for inconveniences lol.

Maybe it will still come out today!!!

Just called and they told me early next week as well.

ughhhh that’s so annoying. If in fact it is early next week, they should post something about it.

I agree. They have been telling everyone Friday and then decide to push it off on the DAY OF. It’s ridiculous and they don’t understand the stress and anxiety we face over it


like obviously at this point they have the decisions figured out… I CAN’T WAIT TO FIND OUT!!!

I think if we don’t hear today it will definitely be monday. Someone at admissions told me yesterday that “It is likely decisions will be released monday” and thay it was the best info she could give me

when you talked to the admissions person, did they say anything about the 15th? Did they give an explanation as to why it’s being pushed back?

Someone above said that admissions claimed it was because of the hurricane but thay makes no sense to me. The hurricane happened in early september, and even if it somehow did push it back, on wednesday the admissions office was still saying Friday would be the release date to everyone. I doubt they just discovered that the hurricane pushed it back today!!

Maybe they just don’t want to give definite answer and it will be today

That’s really frustrating

I feel like we should call different admissions people and see if we get the same response…

i’m hoping it’s just some kind of surprise. it seems like admissions aren’t saying the same thing really. i can’t wait longer… i don’t even care so much about my decision anymore i just want to know

They might just be conservative about it because they don’t want people to get angry if it doesn’t end up being today. I think that they are trying to get them out by today but if not, it will be monday and that’s why they are being so ambiguous about it now. There’s still a chance it could come out today