University of Miami EA Class of 2025

On their IG story, they said you can change major before receiving a decision. I guess decisions are pending though given no one can change majors. They also re-stated that they don’t give exact dates for decisions but it’ll happen between end of Jan/Early Feb for EA.

I applied to 21. Many students are just nervous about admissions since many colleges are getting more competitive as the years go on. Plus, we don’t know how COVID and optional testing is going to affect results.


With Common App, why not apply to many. With COVID here, many may (or may not) have to pay to get kids in seats (if things don’t get better). Many schools send waivers and many don’t require extra essays.

Why limit to 5 or 7 - this is an extraordinarily expensive purchase. Even if you spend $2K applying, it will likely be worth it if you’re looking for affordability.


Is there any chance it will come out before Friday or should I stop checking?

My daughter applied to 19, as a Vocal Performance major. Music majors usually need dual acceptance, academic & artistic. So need to cast a wide net. UMiami Frost School of Music is #17 in the country!

@tsbna44 Agreed. Plus, being unable to visit most schools makes it so much harder to narrow down the list. My D applied to 12 (instead of just the traditional 2 reach, 3 match, and 2 safety her HS recommends). She’s hoping to visit her top 2-3 options once she knows where she is in.


I applied to 10, and plan on visiting my top schools once I get in, which at this point is really just one school (safely). COVID definitely made me rethink my college choices and question how far away from home I want to be.


In August, we took a covid-safe trip. We toured I think 11 schools in four days on our own. We did one school tour (it was 1:1 and masked) and info session which was 10 people in an auditorium) at Elon which my daughter ruled out due to remoteness. We hit every school from Wake to Va Tech to William and Mary to Washington & Lee. Without doing info sessions (let’s be honest - they are all the same - boring and the info is all on the web)…we just walked ourselves. Campuses were mostly empty so that wasn’t great - but we got so much more done than had we done official stuff. So get in the car, wear a mask, walk around, and at least get a feel for if it’s the right place for you. And if you find a masked student or two, talk to them and get some insights. It was much better doing this than the way it was with my son - a school a day. We took many off our list because of this tour - and that alone is helpful. She didn’t like Wake, Richmond, Duke, James Madison, or Va Tech. She also loved many such as UNC, William & Mary, etc. So well worth a trip in my estimation.

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@tsbna44 I think it is worth the trip and that you can get a feel for the campus itself even though you won’t get the full experience. The problem is when your school district penalizes kids for leaving the area by scheduling senior events that a student can’t attend because they need to quarantine after returning from college touring. Sorry, just needed to vent!


What time did ED come out?

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2PM Today?

No the early decision decisions came out at 2pm in December

@tsbna44 all good suggestions. We did get to see UofSC and Clemson pre-Covid, and UMiami last Fall. Visits are a little tough for us due to distances (we are Chicago area) and Covid rules. D wants a big southern school for lots of reasons, including a new appreciation for outdoor activities/dining after the current lockdown, but that makes driving brutal. And as mentioned by @H0llyw00d, we also have pretty strict quarantine rules when we travel, so we really want to get the most out of our trips when we do take them. D applied to a bunch sight unseen, and we’ll cram in more visits after we know what options are on the table. I’m sure it will all work out for the best; it’s just extra tough this year compared to when my older kid went through this process.

yes that is true i was accepted and i had 4 tabs before they released the decision

lol me too, we already knew the decisions but still waited till afternoon

any chance for decisions today?

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What time would decisions most likely come out on Friday? 3pm est?

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Also, does anyone know if Miami releases their financial aid packages/scholarships at the time of acceptance, or is it later like most schools? I just want to know how much money they are giving me lol to see if I can afford it.

Yes they do I believe