University of Miami EA Class of 2025

CAn you guys please cahnce me. I freaking out.
I’m an international student studying the A-Level curriculum.
→ I have a 4.0/4.0 UW GPA
→ I come #35 out of 950 (maybe 1200 students- not too sure due to recent expansion) students at my high school
→ SAT got a 1360.
→ Predicted 3A* at A-Level (Mathematics, Econ, Business)
→ Wasn’t allowed to partake in extracurriculars due to some reasons but tried my best to pursue those things which I’m interested in. I know they are extremely unorthodox and probably have no weightage in the eyes of the admissions officers.

Started my own Charity (Unofficial- Doesn’t have a name and isn’t registered yet)
Became a self-taught forex and stocks trader and also teach trading- to help my father financially and to pay for the charity.
took care of my grandparents on a regular basis.
tutored my younger cousin
was the captain of 3 business competitions
Am an unofficial fitness trainer and nutritionist
Am a micro Instagram influencer- make my own content/earn some money too.
Miscellaneous activities/hobbies- participated in a couple of badminton tournaments at my club, frequently paint/draw, etc
→ I also faced certain extenuating circumstances because of which I got mediocre O-Level results and because of which I was also not allowed to participate in ECAs.
→ financial aid needed

The main thing is I’ve been rejected from Fordham so I don’t have any hope left at all for Miami.

What is normal time period they release decisions? January EA deferment is a blur. We didn’t get an email for that decision. Do emails normally come?

Usually late on a Friday afternoon. Keep an eye on this board—it will light up when decisions post. That’s the best way, since UM seems to not send emails or post on social when decisions will go up. :woman_shrugging:t2:


decisions were released at 4pm est


Don’t freak out. There’s nothing you can do but wait.

Hopefully you have alternatives - just in case. That’s not saying you’re not getting on. I’m not admissions. I’d say that to everyone.

I think EA was 4:22pm cst

I would guess tomorrow for sure


go figure :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: - the last Friday before April 1st

Yep EA was 4pm est!

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You guys don’t have to worry. I was admitted into spring and my stats weren’t as nearly as good as most of you guys…
3.5 W gpa
Played football freshman year and baseball junior year.
100+ hours of volunteer service
1 AP and 1 Honors class (both Spanish)
Received a 5 on the AP test
Private High School (pretty selective)
Part time job during summers
Low income family (if that makes a difference)
Applied Creative Advertising major

I had first applied as Early Action but I was deferred so I chose to put my application into ED2 and I was admitted into UMiami as a spring admit (which released me from the binding contract)


3.86 GPA (my gpa is low because I had ADHD that I did not know about freshman and sophomore year, but after I started taking medicine I got straight As)
33 ACT
HS does not rank
internship at neurodegenerative disease lab
internship at marine mammal research facility
Volunteer swim instructor for disabled children
took 7 APs junior and senior year
that’s basically all the noteworthy things i can think of^

I applied EA and got deferred, and I just have a feeling if they did not like me then they won’t like me now… oh well! Just thought I’d share some stats

You got this your stats are great!

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If low income, did they meet your need with financial aid? Just wondering how ‘meets need’ is going to work by the time they decide what your need is from the CSS profile vs. FAFSA

Y’all say you gpa is low at 3.8 and I’m over here with a 3.3 :roll_eyes:


Haha I’m sure you’ll be fine! your extracurriculars, rec letters and essay will help you tons :slight_smile:

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Does anyone have confirmation decisions will be released tomorrow or is it just conjecture?

nope, i think it is confirmed - I believe someone called admissions + they only release decisions on Friday and tomorrow is the only Friday before the end of the month


Conjecture. 100%

It’s very likely that decisions will be released tomorrow, but it’s purely speculation.


Was the vie financial aid offer always there?

Definitely not. I hadn’t seen it before. Also, do we think decisions release tmr?