University of Miami EA Class of 2025

Thanks for your response! I hope so! I was admitted to the UF pace program out of state. I’m not too sure if that says anything about my stats or chances at UMiami.

NP! Miami is more holistic I would say so I would say solid shot!

Is anyone else able to login with their portal credentials to gain access to admitted student tours? I wonder if it could be a sign that admitted if you can gain access?

yes i am able to. i think it might be available for everyone? idk

@agirlri one can hope it’s a positive sign :joy:

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What’s the link?

Where is the admitted student tours?

type it on google “umiami admitted student tours”

Thanks I found it I think. It’s the one marked ‘On-Campus Information Sessions’ that says Register right?

I was able to see the page to sign up and it also said congratulations on being admitted. I have not been accepted to the university though, just applied

It’s the one marked ‘On-Campus Information Sessions’ that says Register right?

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or is it the Future 'Cane Days?

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it says admitted students on campus info session

and then it popped up a congratulatuons and let me go through the process of registering but I didn’t submit yet cause i suppose nothings final

I registered just to see if it would let me complete the process and it did. idk tho could be for everyone

Thanks! I found it. it allowed me to sign in and said ‘Congrats’ but I think it’s for everyone sadly

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I agree. Seems like everyone has access to it.

Thanks for checking everyone. I was thinking it might be for everyone but wasn’t sure. I really hope decisions come out Friday so we can all move on either way.

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I don’t see a way it won’t come out on Friday

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I think the offer to meet 1:1 over the phone with financial aid or with an admissions rep is to answer questions for admitted/committed students. Admitted/Committed students received e-mails inviting them to schedule appointments, its not mandatory, just if you have questions that you would like answered.
There is also the option to schedule a tour for admitted students.

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