University of Miami EA Class of 2025

thank you! yeah, i’m not too keen of being on school’s waitlist cause it j seems like a lot of hoping and waiting


I’m going on a visit with my parents in 2 weeks. I have never been to Miami or the school. I’m curious what the area around UM is like? Is it safe? and any recommendations about what to check out are appreciated Thanks!

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I’m a local. Everything you wrote is very accurate. Things have changed in Miami.
At the end how much a kid party depends on what he/she likes.
UMiami has an excellent academic reputation in Florida, I was wondering how it is seen out of state.


I’ve narrowed it down between Northeastern, Ohio State and U Miami. I got into honors at all and all have something unique and interesting so I’m very torn…

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Thanks for that information about guided tours. We registered for a self guided tour in early February after my son was admitted EA. At the time,there was only the option for a self guided tour, and we had to plan ahead for airfare,work,and school sports schedules. I am disappointed that the recently added guided tours for admitted students on the dates we will be there next week are now filled. I didn’t notice when they added them…but my son just got an email yesterday about them. I had checked a few times in March to see if they had any guided tours yet. I wish we had been given the option to switch to a guided tour. This decision is going to be difficult enough, and any information helps. Anyway,we are looking forward to walking outside buildings
in beautiful Miami and will at least ask if there is a chance to join a tour on the days we are there!

Our first trip to University fo Miami was this week (Sunday through Wednesday). Closest hotel - THesis - directly across US1 from the school (easy to cross on pedestrian bridge at the University Metrorail station. We were able to visit without a car and walk to meals (enjoyed Taco Craft and Casa Cuba) in South Miami (or one stop away on the Metrotrain). We never felt unsafe walking back to the hotel in the dark. During the day we took the Metrotrain to downtown Miami, the Metormover around the downtown loop, the Metrobus to Miami Beach and the trolley back to the Metrotrain station (all free since COVID). We rented bikes on Miami Beach (Citi Bike Miami app). We never felt unsafe. Biking Ocean Drive and Ocean Walk was very safe (closed to car traffic). Uber from the airport to the University was $33 and back to the airport was $16. Overall - we felt very safe on the campus and south of campus.


Do it - forget about it. If you commit to somewhere else (not just actually but emotionally), then if you get the note you didn’t get selected - which happened to my son at WUSTL two years ago - he didn’t care - he was entrenched at Bama and he said he’d have stayed even if he was selected. Think he was told it was over in July.

I hope you get in - it’s the emotions that are the hard part. Better to assume the worst now - love where you go - it will be great. What’s your top choice ? (the answer isn’t the U) :slight_smile:

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Congratulations! Yes hard decision. UMiami or Northeastern here as well (no honors). We had a wonderful 1:1 call yesterday w the NEU advisor. We have one w the Miami advisor next week. Will visit Miami on the 12th. How do you feel UM and NEU compare on academics? What’s your intended major? My son is undecided which adds to the complexity of decision making.

Son trying to decide between Syracuse and Miami for Architecture school.

Would love anyone’s input on these two schools. Obviously the weather is different. Syracuse did give him much more merit money than UM but we are trying to let him choose the school based on the merits of the schools. But love anyone’s advice.

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Not familiar with architecture as a major but I think in some aspects it’s similar to civil engineering. In Niche, Syracuse is rated 20, Miami is 31.

When I was at the 'Cuse in the late 80s, there was a ton of architecture majors who dropped out and changed to business or what not in the first year - so I’m sure it’s a rigorous major - and likely no matter where you go to school.

Does each school have a specialty that would cater to him? In general, if the $$ are significant, go for the cheaper. On the flip side, I see a lot of posts on the CC related to - kids do a lot better, are a lot happier in the sun.

Both are great names overall and peer schools.

Good luck.

Syracuse is a perennial top 5 architecture school undergrad. Miami is good, but not elite like Syracuse. So that’s decision #1 - there are probably a lot more opportunities coming out of Syracuse, depending on what he wants to do.

Decision #2 - The Syracuse program is a real grind - students really work hard. My son’s freshman roommate was in the program and my son basically had a single for most of the year. I have no idea what the work load is at UMiami, but my son’s roommate eventually dropped out of Architecture b/c it was too difficult and he had no life.

Decision #3 - Obviously very different weather at both schools. Syracuse can be depressing and gray from Nov-March, and unbearably cold in January. Miami obviously has the weather check box going for it.

I would interview current students at both to find out how they view the workload and the general mood of each program. Hope that helps.

Thank you! my dad just made the reservation at that hotel. Really appreciate your input.

Wow, I did not know about being able to “meet” with advisors 1:1, will have to look into that. I was admitted to Behavioral Neuroscience at Northeastern and Neuroscience at Miami. I am truly conflicted bc they are so different. Northeastern has a small campus (73 acres) but very pretty and clean. There is a train stop right on campus and another line on the street at the front. The pros is that it is in Boston, about 1-2 miles from BU, Fenway, 2-3 miles from Boston College, MIT, Harvard… so basically a college town, but being from CA I’ve never lived where there are 4 seasons. Best of all are their Co-ops/internships: to graduate you have to complete 2, 6 month paid internships and have a co-op adviser. The pros of Miami is its in Miami (I’m used to the warmth, but not the humidity). Miami is a more traditional “college” experience and maybe an overall more “fun” school while still having the rigor. Both have great opportunities.

I was accepted to UMiami out of state. I can tell you that UMiami has a VERY well regarded reputation out of state. People view it as similar to Northeastern, stats wise. Parents know it as very hard to get into and also as very academically rigorous.


Make sure to get a UMiami hotel discount at Thesis. If you didn’t know about it when you booked, they won’t give it to you when you check in :frowning: but they might if you call ahead of time. Also, self-park in the garage instead of paying in advance for the valet–doesn’t save any time using valet. And we loved having one breakfast at the hotel pool, gorgeous & open-air, not at all crowded when we went.


Hey all, some questions, mainly about academics:

Do you know how big the computer science classes tend to be (intro and upper-level)? It’s an increasingly popular major lots of places, so classes can get huge, have waitlists, or both.

And are the intro science courses treated as “weed-out” classes (sort of institutional/faculty shrugging attitude about the fact that many students will fail), vs there are lots of supports in place to try to help students through even if the work is still hard? He’s STEM-oriented but not sure beyond that, and it would be a shame if the only chances to explore academically were intentionally brutal.

My son is choosing between UMiami, URochester, and UMaryland (College Park) honors. He’s leaning toward UMiami partly because the campus is just so gorgeous it seems easy to be happy even if there are academic ups & downs, and he thinks he might prefer a less academically pressured place–so he has the space to study and work hard on his own, without feeling overwhelmingly intense external pressure.

He’s not into partying or frat scene, which made him nervous about UMiami–but he’s pretty reassured that while it’s an option for those so inclined, it’s not the only one.

Thank you!

@wahoowaaa Architecture is a tough major anywhere you go. My brother is an architect and he went to the other Miami (in Ohio) but he would tell me how much work and time it was for them that they practically lived at the studio. And lots of kids got really stressed out from the projects and critiques they take part in routinely.

My point is both programs are probably excellent so I would focus on other factors that might be important to him. Obviously the weather is a big one. Does he like cold weather? Can he deal with humidity? But also, when he’s stressed, how would he de-stress? My D loves sun so she’d be outside. Also is one closer to home and would he prefer that or not? And if money matters, how would his debt be at the end of four years? Architects don’t take make the money engineers do right out of school so if he’ll be paying loans off, which school would be less expensive? Also, where does he want to work? Architects are licensed by the state and while you can work for an architectural firm without a license, getting licensed will allow you to make more income.

Lots to consider! It’s hard to make a decision, but ultimately they are both great schools!

Anyone have any information or advice for an international student who is not sure if they will be able to be on campus for fall due to issues surrounding the pandemic? So here’s a breakdown of my situation: I do not reside in my home country and my passport has been expired since last year however the embassy here does not renew passports and border closures have prevented the embassy that usually does this processing from sending officials here. I am hoping to have an option to be online if this continues to be the situation. But so far there has been no guarantee of this and I have not received any other information from the university that would be of use regarding my situation. Is anyone else in a similar situation? What are your plans? Or does anyone knows anything that may be of use to me? I haven’t committed because my parents want to be assured that I’ll be carried along if things do not change for me.

I would explain your situation to admissions - and perhaps ask for a one year gap year.

There’s lots of colleges - such as Purdue and UMD - that have on-line classes. Perhaps you can work with Miami to determine which will transfer - this way you give yourself time rather than committing and likely not being able to attend.

I’m sure your AO can work with you - and if they won’t - then it doesn’t show good concern for you as a student in my opinion.