University of Miami EA Class of 2025

Does anyone know the stats/odds of getting of the waitlist?

Last year (2020-21) 781 out of 3,664 kids were offered a spot from the waitlist.
The year before (2019-20) 366 out of 2,443.
And the year before that (2018-19) 30 out of 4,041.

So thereā€™s no clear pattern except that they do tap the waitlist most years.

Good luck!

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Going to Admitted Student Event on campus in a couple of weeks. Has anyone attended yet? Anyone know if they have breakouts for Spring admits? Do they talk about Spring at all?

Yes - please see my posts starting on March 30 about the tours. A spring admit student asked a few questions but there was not a separate breakout. Per the admissions person at the indoor session - this year the total of spring admits = 350 people. This is a final, binding decision. They will NOT be offered a place for a fall start (i.e. donā€™t appeal for fall).

Excellent. Thanks.

Yeah Iā€™ve been in contact with them and they seem to have no exact plans for international students facing this issue so far. Although last time I was told that I could discuss this with my advisor after committing which I donā€™t want to do without being sure. I would like to avoid a gap year or deferment as Iā€™m not sure how that will affect my scholarship and I donā€™t want to lose the time so online would be ideal until everything could be sorted out. I guess theyā€™ve been planning to be fully in person for the fall but I canā€™t understand that they would expect that all international students would be in a position to be able to attend. Developing countries have been having a harder time accessing vaccines so while America is opening up they are forced to remain closed. Perhaps Iā€™m assuming that there are others like me when my situation is peculiar to myself but oh well.

If they have your money, they probably figure you will find a way to get there - if not, they have your money so they likely wonā€™t care. In the end, itā€™s a business - so donā€™t forget that.

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Has everyone received their financial aid package? Im still waiting on mine

You might have it. Check your portal in the status update section. My sonā€™s was there with no notification. It was NOT in the financial aid section.

Has anyone been able to get through to a person at Financial Aid? I was on hold for 20 minutes yesterday and gave up. Today I called at 9:05, right after they opened, and Iā€™m still on hold now at 9:45. Amazing.

Editing to add: After an hour on hold, I eventually spoke with a very nice (but not really helpful) FA assistant. She suggested I set up a 1-on-1 interview in Cane Central - which I did. I scheduled a 20 minute Zoom meeting with an FA rep later this week. I recommend anyone who has tough questions for the FA people, set up a 1-on-1 in Cane Central.

OMG i was literally coming on here to ask the exact same question. Called 3 times today and got put on hold for a half hour before I just hung up. Send 2 emails to them in the past few weeks to no avail. I was going to commit (which is why I was trying to confirm details) and this has been the WORST experience lol. just had easy questions I wanted to be confirmed about national merit and stacking but their lack of response has really sucked


Do any Umiami Spring 2022 admits know what there plans are for august-december? Trying to figure out what I could do from August-December. Anyone renting apartments in Miami, studying abroad etc??

I heard that 1-2 yrs ago Miami offered a study abroad program for spring admits, but I guess they took it way due to COVID.

i think most people will do cc

Just to clarify, you think most people will just do online CC from their houses or commute to a local CC until spring semester starts?

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either one, i think it depends on the student

Ok so I had my one on one this morning and it went horribly. The person I was speaking with was not a financial aid officer and couldnā€™t answer any of my questions. They referred me to the admissions office because Iā€™m not a current student and told me to schedule a 1 or 1 with them. Of course all the 1 on 1 with financial aid officers in the admissions office are filled. Iā€™m stumpedā€¦all I can think to do is call again but this has me so stressed

If your kiddo is planning a smaller or very specific major, you may have better luck communicating with their department. We had some pretty complicated questions and have had no helpful or timely input from general admissions and financial aid. But super helpful, caring, responsive, etc. responses from my kidā€™s school and department. Like over and above great communication that has swayed us toward making the deposit.

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Just finished my 1-on-1. Same exact thing. They directed me to a different appointment portal which is completely booked.

Maybe a sign.

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Hi! Since I sent my dept an email Iā€™ve gotten 1 response back from an admin which was super unsure. But I saw you posting on another thread abt Miami and nmf and the possible legislature changes. I was wondering if the school/dept answered any questions about that for you? Sorry :sob: Iā€™m super desperate bc Iā€™ve sent like 10 emails and called a bunch of times and only have gotten 1 half reply. Itā€™s def my top choice but I canā€™t commit comfortably without at least some indication that my scholarship will hold up!

At an expensive, private school like this, if they canā€™t do something basic itā€™s rather scary, especially as kids are about to drop serious coin to attend. It should certainly give serious pause b4 committing.