University of Miami - Early Action Decisions/When do we find out?!?!?!?!

My scholarship came by email the next day.

Nothing on canelink here

if you heard back, where are you from?

does anybody else’s link not load?

I got in!! I just checked my portal :smiley: Didn’t get the email yet

From: New york city

where are you from? ^

@rballard143 I’m from Massachusetts

Congrats! Where was your decision? What are your stats?

I got accepted decisions should be up! Goodluck everyone

My decision isn’t posted. Did I not get in?

I’m currently freaking out cause mine isn’t there and I wanna get in so bad! Literally on the verge of tears and I haven’t even heard any decision lol

mine isn’t posted either, i’m in california

Mine isn’t there either, New York

Nothing here either. Where are you guys from?

I’m from CT. SAT 2010, weighted GPA 4.26

Decisions are coming out. My son just got his acceptance on CaneLink

why cant they just send acceptances and rejects at the same time… now i’m scared

Accepted!!! I am from Guatemala

I’m still waiting on Boston U and Texas A&M. My stats…

Liberal Arts – Criminology/Pre-law
ACT: 28/SAT 1920
200+ community service hours
Debate captain/Class Treasurer
Rank: Top Quarter
GPA: 3.9 (4.0)
Accepted to Villanova, UT, U Denver, and SMU so far – (deferred at TCU wth??)
Stunned that I was admitted especially with no supplement requirements from UM

Yours is probably there it’s just really hard to find… Go to canelink front page > “student center” > “Go to communication center” > Undergrad Decision and click download

And btw I’m from nj and just got accepted with a 2020 and 97.81 GPA (My schools is out of 100)