Anyone heard anything?

also how can you check for decisions online? Is it under messages on canelink?

Yes, it should appear as a new message under ‘Communications’ in the Student Center. I think it might show something if you go to the application status page as well.

Hopefully this is the week everyone!

Also, I forgot to add that we might get an email as well. Although I should say a couple schools I got accepted to never sent me anything, but gave me the congrats page on their respective student centers.


My friend who applied in December just got her decision today!!

@sagemae17 did your friend get a letter in the mail or was it through the canelink?

Can I please get mine today?

Ugh. Didn’t get anything in the mail today

Hello fellow applicants! I tweeted at Miami Admissions (@UMAdmission), asking when transfer applicants should expect to hear back from the school. They said “By the end of the week. Good luck!” Expect an update on Canelink or an email this week. Good luck everyone

I’m looking to transfer next spring (2017)! Anyone who gets accepted please let me know what your credentials were so I can plan accordingly! Thanks and good luck to all!!! Hope your dream comes true and mine will follow!!

@kgirl97 Im transfering Spring 2017 as well!! I really hope I get in it is my dream school. So far i have a 3.67 gpa. I am in 2 honor society’s psi beta and phi theta kappa. I am also enrolled in my schools honor program. Im hoping to gather some extra curricula activities as-well. Best of luck to you hope we make it(:

Guys I got in!!! Good luck to all of you and hope to see you guys in this upcoming year!#GoCanes!!!

Got my acceptance notification under ‘communications’ today on CaneLink, the wait is over!

Good luck everyone!

Still nothing :frowning: anyone else not get a decision ???

@jrizzi Sorry I just saw this…it was through canelink

Just got accepted for pre law!!! Good luck everyone !

Got in :slight_smile: good luck everyone!

I was accepted! Thanks everyone for the updates! I’ve been lurking on this forum for a few weeks now haha! Miami is one of my top choices! So glad they sent out the letters early! I’ve been a wreck! haha. Good luck everyone!

For anyone interested, here are my stats.

My Stats:
Current University: Community college in North Carolina
GPA: 3.9 GPA
Major: Sociology
EC:'s: Intern at a non-profit organization, Girl’s on The Run assistant coach, volunteer at women’s health center, NC Global Distinction member, member of a feminist union.
1 Letter of recommendation
SAT: I didn’t submit them.
High School GPA: Don’t remember the exact number, but extremely low.

Congrats to everyone who got in!!! When did you all apply?