University of Miami Transfer Fall 2021

my admissions counselor told me 3-4 weeks on april 14th. it is we’ll past that date so i don’t rlly trust when they say, i emailed her again today

No I didn’t ask if they still have space but I assume (hope) yes since we have not been rejected. Everything is so confused and they don’t say anything clear, every person who call get a different answer… If someone else call please let us know. Yesterday I asked a friend to call for me since I called like 10 times in the last month.

Yes!! So confused – do descions last day come out next tuesday!?! Who knows because they say dif things

That’s what they told to me. Last day to hear back will be June 15

I just rejected my spot so there is definitely some spots left. Im goin too ND.

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Thank you, I hope to get your spot ahaha

Congrats on ND! What were your stats?

They took longer on my application because I accident put Cornell instead of the University of Miami.

haha. did u get in?

They said they haven’t decided but, they wish me the best. I am embarrassed but, it’s funny.

haha thats a weird rejection.

really you don’t have no hope. I think I still have a chance. You have to manifest.

I wish the best for you! But if you address the wrong college in an essay that doesnt show lots of ambition to AO

I see what you’re saying.

That is really not a good look

r we gonna hear today or tmr

Has anyone heard anything?

no :frowning:

I have yet to hear as well…

Im appalled an admissions consular would lie to prospective students and say decisions would come out by June 15th…