University of Miami Transfer Fall 2021

just a brutal lie

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they keep on leading us on tho

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On the website it says that the final application deadline is July 1st. So maybe they’re still waiting to see if they’ll get more applications. I don’t think that the problem is that they got too many applications this year, I think they didn’t get enough. In past year’s priority deadline is in feb. and final deadline in April 1st. This year priority was April first and final is July 1st. All the schools I’m applying too have pushed there applications back because I think not as many are applying cause of covid

Has anyone on this sub been rejected?

I dont think so, they read them based on when u applied. I applied to ND, Vandy, and Babson, and those did not do rolling nor did they push any applications back. I cannot think of one decent school besides Miami that is doing rolling. Miami def has enough apps, if they didn’t have a lot we would all know by now because we submitted apps almost 3 months ago now.

they def have enough apps, in the message they sent about continued interest it said they had 40% more applicants this semester compared to past ones

anyone hear today?

I still have not… If anyone call please let us know

I emailed my transfer counselor and heard back saying that I am under review and it’s taking 8-10 weeks to review for some reason and I will probably hear back in July. Decisions are dropping every Wednesday so that’s good to hear at least. It seems as if they are really flooded.

I heard back today at 4:24. I got in!

when were all your final materials received

I submitted everything on 3/23 but my application wasn’t ready for review until 4/5

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What were your stats?

3.6 at my community college and I also did dual enrollment in high school with the same GPA! No test scores since I had over 30 college credits

Nice , what major are u going for

oh wow!! Congrats man

motion pictures - general track

Thank you!! :smiley:

anyone hear back today

no :frowning: