University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

We all are

Believe me, I know! My husband was UMich aerospace undergrad & then law school. Michigan is fantastic for absolutely everything, but what I meant is UT v Michigan for engineering was a no brainer even with OOS tuition because UT engineering is so rigid about majors (I know that overall Michigan is also a better engineering school, but not sure we could justify that over the significant cost savings of in state tuition if UT was able to accommodate 1st choice engineering majors the way Michigan does—does that make sense?). However, with other majors it’s not as clear cut that Michigan is the better choice (even if it is the better school), business is a much closer call, especially if you get into BHP at UT. I was a BHP and accounting major at UT and the accounting program at UT was always #1 in the country while I was there (I think it still ranks pretty high), so in my case, UT and in-state tuition was the better choice (even if Ross ranks higher than McCombs overall). Of course, if we lived in Michigan instead of Texas that would all be moot, and Michigan would be a no brainer for all majors! I’m jealous of those of you paying in state tuition for such a fantastic school!! Alas, that is not my situation and with two more tuition bills on the horizon, that OOS tuition looms large :pleading_face:


That’s what not being mentally prepared for decisions does to you lollll

No one can answer that question. But about 50% +/- of the acceptances are sent out in EA.

Decisions will be coming out today, they have never been released on the weekend. Probably 3 or 330 EST, for the next two hours, get off this thread!! Go take a nap, go for a run, watch some Netflix. Check back in a couple hours and know that this one decision does not decide your worth. Good luck from a current UM student, it’s the best place on earth!


I saw something that 180/250 are EA.

Decisions are definitely coming out today. Someone called and asked earlier in the thread and they said something along the lines of “well we said by the end of the month and we don’t work weekends so make an inference.” Also other clues like that! They are 99.999% likely to be out today even if it is not right at 3 as people who have followed this thread for a few weeks know, so just relax until the time comes and I wouldn’t worry about them not being out today! good luck everyone :slight_smile: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Source? The other thing to consider is that many spots in the School of Kinesiology are taken/reserved by/for recruited athletes.

Both outstanding schools for both fields but I would go to the best cost ratio school. At both your coming out with jobs and good ones as that.

So would you say that most athletes go there, or just a lot go there in general bc it’s smaller

Lol, I just had a post removed as “inappropriate: the community feels it is offensive, abusive, or a violation of our community guidelines.”

What was my post you ask?
In response to the ■■■■■ who said decisions were out, I simply responded “How do you know?”


Is anyone else here applying for aerospace engineering? I can’t get over UMich’s MASA program. Truly one of a kind


I know this is late but can anyone chance me for Kinesiology:

Out of State
1510 SAT
3.7 unweighted
Good extracurriculars including triathlete

Bruh the UMich twitter NEEDS to stop tweeting so often :sob: I keep thinking it’s some kind of announcement


I too had my post removed with the same warning. :rofl:

I was just telling everyone that the message was fake.

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Anyone get the email saying they need to complete the CSS profile like an hour ago.

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does that mean accepted?

I don’t think so buddy. It was a general mail.

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lol i didnt get it

yeah it’s just for financial aid. they send it to everyone who hasn’t done it but applied for financial aid