University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

3.9 UW
1520 SAT

D21 got Postponed OOS (MA)
Applied to Ross
35 ACT (single sitting)
Top 2 students out of a class of 380 in a competitive HS, 6 AP’s
Plays sport at National level - Multiple awards
UW 3.95 GPA (HS has no weighted GPA)
Lots of extracurriculars - founded her sustainable company, Exec leader in national social justice platform, Regional & National Art awards, published artist

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Yes i had that message too and got accepted! best of luck to you

My kid accepted

College of Engineering
1580 SAT
Lots of engineering ECs

Also got into Georgia Tech OOS

He is beyond excited and knows he has a big (very fortunate) decision ahead of him.

Congrats to all accepted and good luck to all deferred.


What classes/extracurriculars?

Deferred OOS
1560 SAT

Admission is asking for a 250 word essay on why UM fit, if expressing continued interest. I assume all deferred applicants need to do this?

Yeah I did
College of Engineering

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Ohh so nothin was under “messages” for you?

When are the expected dates for decision postponed coming out?

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Ayy I got accepted OOS to LSA chemistry!!!

36 ACT (unrounded) on first try

3.7 UW GPA, significant upward trend w/ extenuating circumstances

800 chemistry SAT II, 780 math II, both on first try/in one sitting

5s on Calc AB and Chem (will take Physics C: Mech, Physics C: E&M, Lang, Bio, and Calc BC this spring)

School doesn’t release ranks until the end of the year, but based on past data, I’m around the top quartile of my grade (my school has grade deflation)

Awards, ECs, essays, and LORs were all pretty good

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a deferral LMAO

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Just want to make sure without hurting anyone, is anyone rejected. As I saw only deferred .

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After I opened the letter my “application status” was changed to admitted

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Deferred OOS (Computer Science, College of Engineering)
3.89 (UW)/ 4.14 (W)
1550 SAT (800 math)

I think they defer for 2 reasons:

  1. you are either a good enough candidate, but maybe comparable, so they want to wait for the RD pool
  2. you are overqualified and they care about yield so maybe they’re waiting to accept in RD.

I think this year it’s harder just because they have such little staff in proportion to the surplus of applications and they want to actually take more time to read them all rather then just reject everyone’s they couldn’t read


Are you talking about your Wolverine access? What about on your enrollment connect?

College of Engineering
In state


Someone said yesterday that it will be the same dates as Ross… can someone verify this?

Did you apply to one school and preferred admission to another? Maybe it means accepted at one and denied at the preferred admission school?