University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

Yes that is the email I received, and that’s why I was thinking it probably doesn’t mean anything but at the same time I don’t think everyone received that email?

not sure - I think my son signed up for the Ross mailing list and I assumed that was the reason for the email. I wish it would be some kind of signal of good news, but I fear it is probably just a generic email. Good luck!

I got that email about a week ago, it just means they’re acknowledging you’re application.

When Ross reaches out to you there will be no doubt. Good luck.

Hi! I applied to the STAMPS school of art and design for EA this year. Does anyone know if you do not get into STAMPS will you still be admitted to U of M? Thanks!

Does anyone know if Mich does rolling admissions or do they all get released at the same time? Ive been trying to google it and keep getting different answers. Im assuming it will be one big release but idk I’m hoping its not cuz I would rather know sooner than later

In the past, all EA decisions were released all at once before Xmas.

In the past, RD decisions were released in “waves” on or about 2/1, 3/1 and 4/1. On each of the RD release dates decisions were released all at one time.

I suppose the RD “waves” could be considered “rolling.”

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Has any got their EA decision at U of M? I’ve applied already but haven’t heard anything. I know it is a bit early but weren’t they supposed to get them out before Xmas?

EA decision for umich is late January, right?

Any advice on getting mid year grades to admissions before decision? DS did well and we didn’t realize how crazy the admissions process would be this year. Applied EA because SAT score was good and he works with the school through a nonprofit research program. But grades seem to be more important this year. He wanted to get them in somehow so he can at least get deferred. School doesn’t go back until 1/12 so it would be unofficial print out from the grading system. Is there an assigned admissions officer? He didn’t see anything for submitting additional materials. Also didn’t want to annoy someone. My guess is decisions have largely been made. This is his top choice. Thanks for any guidance. Good luck to everyone.

Each region has an assigned admission officer for your region at Michigan. It’s on their admission website

Send it to the person for your region /school

This lovely lady but would ours but my son’s a senior at Michigan… Lol.

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@rideofmylife if decisions are coming Jan end, wouldnt the mid year grades be sent by then? My son is in the same position.

They will review your application based on what they received by the application deadline in November. Many decisions have already been made while others are still pending review so they wouldn’t give the students pending review a leg up with their mid-year grades. If someone is deferred, then UMich will ask for Mid-Year grades. Right now though, it won’t be taken into account.


Our schools don’t go back until mid January and with 900 seniors and campus legally closed, they are not quick to get out midyear reports. I think also as HL2020 says, they will only look if deferred. We sent them out anyhow unofficially in a desperate attempt to at least get deferred. I don’t think it will hurt but it is likely a waste of energy. When decision was originally December, midyear grades wouldn’t have been possible so EA is really supposed to stand alone without them. Good luck to everyone.

Pretty much everybody gets deferred if not accepted EA. Never really heard of someone rejected during the EA round.

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Yeah was going to say the same thing. In the past during the first round in December, people don’t usually get rejected, they just bump everyone to the RD rounds. The problem this year, this is new to everyone so no one knows what they’ll do. If they were smart, they would just deny a bunch off the bat as opposed to leaving people hanging so they can move on and also because there are probably plenty of applications that are shooting for the moon types that really have no chance. So why do the extra work of denying them a month later when they can just do it now?

@HL2020 I think many people are still having HAIL interviews for Engineering so I do not think all the decisions are made. Maybe for rejections. I do think however some schools automatically send the grades out because they’ll require it anyway for 7th semester grades or trimester if on that system.

Do you think that admissions may admit more applicants in the first round of acceptances at the end of January? Kids who got their ED schools have probably pulled out their applications. Also, they are most likely getting rid of 2/1 release

Looks like they say all EA will hear by 2/1 (which basically should be admit or defer) and then for Regular Decision (unless Stamps) it states the following:

Regular Action: February 1, 2021

  • All required items must be received by February 1, 2021.
  • Final decisions will be released by early April 2021.
  • No preference is given for Early Action candidates. Students who are not able to submit documents in Early Action can continue to apply up to the February 1 deadline.

All the decisions definitely aren’t made but at this point only a month away from release, a good amount has been made so they can’t go back and add in another factor for those who haven’t been made. I read that straight from the UMich website, they do not take mid-years into account unless you are deferred or apply regular decision.

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Yes agree about the extra info especially considering the 50k EA applicants or whatever insane amount they’ve had.