University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

No cause my SAT was cancelled the 5 times I registered for it.

SAT: 1560
Subject tests: 800 math2, 800 physics
GPA: 3.8 UW
Good recs and essays

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perhaps another type – send an 250 words essay if you are still interested?

I can only speculate, but Ross BBA will be releasing their 1st decisions on Friday 2/19/2021. At this point, if I were a betting man, then I’d bet that the 1st RD wave of decisions will be released that day too.

me too

you got in?

I got my email from them at 3:23 EST
I was accepted ( the confetti was a nice touch)but im going to Hope college instead. Good luck

Congrats to everyone who got it! My son was accepted.

OOS Florida
4.0 unweighted 5.5 weighted
1490 SAT
Varsity baseball 4 years and co captain this year along with many other EV and leadership roles

We are waiting on a few other schools but right now this is top choice. Does anyone know if there is any advantage to putting down a deposit now instead of holding for the rest? And can you still decline after? I know the deposit is non refundable.

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My son was deferred. OOS. 4.6 GPA. Very high rigor. Unique EC and work experience. No SAT scores because of Covid - he had 4 test dates cancelled.

I think if you are going to say “scores optional” then don’t take scores. Otherwise it is not an even playing field. Many of his friends that got in did have SAT scores…I would be curious to know how many acceptances did not have scores. There was nothing we could do about SAT and yet I think he is penalized for not taking the test.

Congrats! My son was in SEES also. He got deferred unfortunately. I wondered if your daughter would choose UMich over Texas/Austin if she gets/got into both. My son has applied to Austin also. We’re OOS for both and trying to figure out which schools are best. Just wondered what your perspective is since your instate for texas.


My D21 was admitted. In-state. LSA hoping for direct admit to Ross.

UW: 3.97
SAT: 1520

5 APs, 2 IBs, lots of other honors classes. National Merit Commended Student. DECA internationals 2x (hoping for third), lots of other ECs and leadership.

I offer my condolences man. My confidence has been ruined. I am embarrassed as hell to contact my counselor to submit the 1st semester grades…

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There is no advantage to putting down the deposit until you are sure - by May 1st. If you do so earlier and then he makes a choice to go elsewhere, you will not get the deposit back.

Neither… Lots of people that get deferred get accepted also. Keep that in mind.

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My login just brought me to a page with a button that says “switch application”… Does anyone else have this?

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Was anyone here rejected? I got deferred.

congrats! You should withdraw your application though so they can admit more people who were deferred like myself! But good job!!


OOS (Chicago competitive public school)
Son deferred CoE (CS)
1580 SAT (one sitting)
5.0 weighted GPA
5s on all 3 APs, taking another 4 this year
EC ok
Essays and recs very good
Disappointed, but hope for RD

Very frustrated with all of this. I’ve gotten deferred twice and denied once in the last two days. Feeling quite negative about all of this. at this point, if i can’t get into supposed targets, why even consider reaches


I got accepted without test scores