University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

I did not try to submit any additional info, but received a request for LOCI

@anon13759523 THat’s not true in our case. My son submitted his app in November and never tried submitting anything again. Our mid year grades didn’t even get released on transcripts until this past Monday so it wouldn’t have been that either.

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LOL same tho

For those that have been asking about being POSTPONED:

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Thanks - I appreciate that! Does anyone know what the percentage of deferred applicants get admitted?

Accepted engineering OOS
1550, 35
4.32 W, Around 3.9 UW
Top 25%
7 APs (6 for Senior YR)
Asian Student Union pres, political volunteering, coding & photography hobbies
Very strong recs (chem, math, history)
Very strong essays

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I read the same thing. Thanks for posting this link.

you and Sasha should have lunch at the Union

What is mean b preferred application denied?
Anybody knows?

Continuing the discussion from Early Action Class of 2025:

My son was deferred OOS. I noticed that his self reported SAT scores do not show on the
portal, although it says the date of the SAT. Is that normal, or should the scores show?

Several people on this thread have said their children were originally deferred and now are students.


Did anyone else get into SOE? I got my preferred admission there!

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Accepted engineering
1560 SAT
4.5 gpa W
6 APs
Good ECs

wait how many ppl that umich defers get in rd? should i give up hope lol. i’m college of engineering btw

me too. I have really good stats. may be yield protection? by these colleges

In the past, UMich accepts about 1/2 of their freshman class in EA. The other 1/2 in RD. But this year may be different, since decisions have been delayed a month+.

i’m just worried that a deferral is basically another way of saying a rejection. i really can’t tell whether its a good or bad thing at this point.

Accepted into College of Engineering (applied for mech eng)

International Applicant from India (30k USD scholarship, didn’t apply for aid)

1530 SAT
42 or 43 out of 45 IB Predicted
7A* and 3A’s IGCSE
Really Good Essays filled to the brim with professors, classes, clubs, research
Research Paper submitted
3 Patents Filed
Lots of social service, guitar, piano, internships and volunteering

Teacher Recos:

10/10: Physics Teacher who called me her best student ever
8/10: Economics Teacher, good student with good grades (nothing exceptional)

External Recos:

10/10: Research professor who I filed the patents with. He wrote me an insane 1000 word+ reco letter
8/10: Finance internship reco letter from CEO, pretty good nothing extraordinary

did you submit SATs?