University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

i know :frowning: i am very happy for the people who got in, but i’m just upset/confused on how people with lower stats than me got in


Thank you! I love hearing stories of students getting accepted after deferrals even with scholarships. What a year to apply to college!

omg ily thank u for this that made me feel so much better

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accepted oos to college of engineering

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This deferral looks like they thought maybe he wouldn’t come. Do the LOCI. I can’t believe they won’t take him RD if he makes it clear he wants it.


Make sure Michigan knows he really wants to go there. Make sure you can afford it. Good Luck.

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Accepted LSA.

OOS National AP Scholar, 4.7 WGPA, 3.9 UNW. Bilingual English/Spanish, 1540 SAT, 800 Math II SAT. Strong why Michigan essay about Spanish and Math.

In early Jan., Daughter sent LOCI to regional admissions counselor with explanation of how her high school school was doing classes and grades this year to explain what her transcript meant and why Michigan was her top choice.

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They are being compared to people at their school or district. They are not compared against you. So if a 3.7 is high for their school and a 32 Act is high for their school and you have a 3.9 with 34 Act. They would get in over you. You are compared to your school. Plus some majors accept lower Stat kids like Stamps…

Do the Loci and hope for the best. Good Luck.

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Accepted LSA OOS 4.4 GPA 9 APs 1500 SAT Class President top 10% of class Excited!

Deferred OOS LSA. 35 ACT, 4.0 UW, 10 AP classes, leadership, ECs, solid essays, etc. Bummer.

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Nice touch on the loci. I had my daughters friend do one in December… I always believe one should be sent in before the EA date. Then if deferred you send a second one and that’s 2 nice touches. Congrats.

Schools assess interest in different ways. Some track visits, some don’t. Some use track whether you open their emails etc. Some use the “why X” essay to do the heavy lifting, because it will tell them pretty clearly how much time the applicant has invested in thinking about the school. But at the end of the day, every single school cares about yield and part of that is figuring out how serious the applicant is about them.

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Deferred OOS TN
4.0 UW, 4.58 Weighted
33 ACT
3 AP classes, IB diploma candidate

i think you are entirely correct. for what it’s worth, i had absolutely zero demonstrated interest at umich, but had a very specific why michigan essay that may have made up for it. not sure if any of that made a difference but that was my situation (accepted CoE)

when should rd decisions come out? and what do we do if we’re deferred?

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Agreed. GPAs at my kids’ high school are lower than other schools because they only give whole grades (4=A, 3=B), no plus/minus grades. So, a kid with an 89 average for the semester gets a B instead of a B+.

Also, school is giving grades by quarters this year instead of semester and limiting the number of kids per class. So, LOCI was important to explain that daughter was taking a rigorous course load for this year. Big relief, much needed this week after return to in person classes.

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Try to stay positive, and know that you will end up going to a great school whether Umich or elsewhere, that is just right for you, and you will excel. While it is difficult in the moment to not feel upset, college admissions is subjective and there is an element of luck as well (unfortunately!)

Last year, when we met with my son’s HS counselor, he shared something with us that really gave us good perspective on why some get in and others don’t. He shared with us that someone may have talents, and other attributes not apparent based on stats that make them a competitive applicant. From stats, we don’t get the full picture of all the other things that an applicant has on their application - perhaps special circumstances, or hardships that are not apparent. I hope this perspective helps. There have been many times I have been surprised by who has got in where but after this conversation with the HS counselor, it gave me better perspective.

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I think the why Michigan essay is absolutely critical, especially this year. I also suspect that some connection to the school–legacy, sibling etc–helps in a similar way, though prob not if the Why Michigan essay isn’t good.

Daughter accepted! OOS - GA
4.6W GPA
1530 SAT (800M)
35 ACT
National Merit Semifinalist
13 APs, AP Captstone Diploma
Varsity Athlete
Top 5% in class of 700+ in rigorous STEM program
HOSA competition and leadership position
Internship with Cardio Surgeon

Congrats to everyone who got in and GL to everyone deferred!


Follow the letter on what to do if your deferred. RD comes out in waves in Feb, March, April