University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

Don’t know. But do this.

I’ll tell you what I think, but I’m not there in the rooms checking on them. :joy:

First, not being able to read all the apps and just deferring them is a “conspiracy theory” that’s been floated every year going back maybe 7-8 years.

Second, my D applied to UCLA, which received a record 139,000 apps and my D has already received an alumni scholarship email that allegedly is based in part on essays and EC’s. Now, lots of applicants get the same UCLA Alumni scholarship email, but not every applicant gets that email. So, UCLA with 139,000 apps has already performed some kind of review on 139,000 apps (plus Regents and Chancellors scholarship decisions), but UMich with all those same fancy computer algorithms and a $12 Billion endowment (more then the entire UC system) can’t go through roughly 46,000 apps and make a decision? Ya, sorry, I’m not buying it.

Third, UMich accepts roughly 8,000 ish of the 16,000 ish acceptances in EA. That’s about 50% of the Class of 2025. Are these deferred applicants suggesting UMich accept more than half of the Class of 2025 in EA?

As for the “submit your EA app early” theory, because they have more time to read them, my D18 submitted her EA app before going out on Halloween 10/31/2017 and she was accepted EA.

That’s my $0.02.


Really? That’s awesome.

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Wow, that’s awesome. Congrats!

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Yay!! Did you have to fill out a separate application for it?


No I did not. Most of the full ride scholarships can’t be applied to. Invite only.

If I wasn’t notified of a scholarship with my acceptance today does that mean I received none? or is there a chance I could receive one with my fin aid package later?

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For anyone who got accepted today, I’m an instate female accepted to LSaA. I never got an email, is that a commonality amongst acceptances? Thanks.

Yeah me neither. No email.

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Congrats! How were you notified about your scholorship?

My high school counselor called me like two months ago saying I was selected for a full ride scholarship. Umich said that if I got accepted then I would be able to use it. So technically I was notified like two months ago before I even applied. It was also in my letter today.

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I was accepted today. ( confetti is cute)
I did NOT submit SAT/ACT scores, but I had three 5s and a 4 for some AP classes that I did submit. Class rank 9 and GPA 4.1
Extracurriculars include;
-Ballroom dancing Latin & American Pro-am ( for 7 years)
-volunteer/ intern at the VA and worked in the medical media department at the veterans hospital.

  • professional Con-girl at comic cons
  • Volunteered for Cinderella project
  • Manager at Auntie Anne’s pretzels at the mall.( 2 years)
  • hospitality / companion at Retirement community( 6 years)
  • print/ film/ TV work for client’s like Coca-Cola, Warner Brothers, ABC
  • youth board member at a nonprofit that provides Mental Health Services for low-income teens. I helped streamline their outreach program.
  • worked with women at risk International.
    I want to pursue my bachelor’s degree in psychology. I’m going to write books and want to start a program that focuses on the mental health needs of gifted children. I feel that academically gifted children are often swept under the rug.
    Good luck

Congratulations. It’s a great achievement; also that UMich sought you out even before you applied. That must feel good!

How does that work. Is it an in-state thing; how does one qualify for scholarships even before you apply.

Uh for the scholarship I got, I know it is specifically for Michigan residents but there are other scholarships where anyone who applies is qualified. Mich has some guidelines and requirements for these scholarships and I am not entirely sure how they select people but there are probably too many people for everyone that qualifies to get the scholarship.

I remember reading somewhere that if you go in the portal and open it up that you won’t receive an email…

postponed in-state
4.0 UW
1550 SAT (took only once)
Good ECs, including varsity sport, highest band, top chair in another band, and a shift leader at my job
Good essays, Good recs
5 APs (The most someone can take at our school is like 7)

Accepted today for neuroscience OOS from Hawaii. Just wanted to show that gpa and test scores aren’t everything. uw 3.98 gpa, W 4.07. Test optional. Hold positions in 3 clubs, worked in medical clinic abroad for a month, internships, etc.
Really good essays. Honestly I think that umich cares more about essays than anything else.
To all the people who were deferred Good Luck!!

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African American
Chicago Suburb

1580 SAT
35 ACT
4.6 GPA W
3.96 UW
11 AP Classses (all A in Math/ Science /Physics)
State Robitics Champ
Fermi Lab Intern - Partical Physics 2019
University of Chicago AI intern 2020
Started group for coding club
President Debate
Solid Recs from teaches

Please do not beat yourself up if you did not get it - it is somewhat random, applications are up 60% and sqeakers are applying more than ever (sqealers are kids who have really low scores but squeak in) - something good or even better will happen

if deferred, write a fun letter of interest and keep orcking it


D21 postponed OOS (Post #2563 & #2564). She had applied to Ross and has no hooks. She will be submitting a LOCI in a few days. We were quite surprised and disappointed with the UMich decision. There are on average 10+ students accepted from her HS every year and looking at Naviance their Stats seem to be lower than hers. Anyway, the question is, does she have any chance of being accepted to Ross during April? Especially as she has been deferred from LSA. Just trying to be realistic here.

I got deferred too. I guess my sharpies were a consolation prize. I can send you one :slight_smile:

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