University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

Thank you! Yes, it was hard last year, but it worked out. Many will have the same experience this year. I hope all the ones deferred will get UMich or better!

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Yes Zingerman’s is awesome!

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I’ll take the rebuttal. Zingerman’s? Meh. I had to toss most of mine. But I’m from CA. It’s all twigs and berries here. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Clutching my pearls! :grin: I’m a Texan so what do I know about deli? But my hubby is Michigander and says it’s 100x better than anything we have in TX, but If you prefer we can have warm cinnamon donuts and cider (look forward to that every year when we visit the Big House for a game or two)! Can’t wait for things to get back to normal!


Hi All, I’m new to register but have been following this thread for the last couple of months. My in-state daughter was deferred on Friday for her application to the College of Engineering. She is on track to be the Valedictorian of her 400 person class with a perfect GPA, something like 10 AP classes, multiple varsity sports, ECs, etc… I think her downfall was a 1330 on the SAT, after having PSAT scores in the 99 percentile. Unfortunately, we didn’t think she was going to take it all this year and then an opportunity popped up with about a 1 week notice. Her normal study routine did not happen for this test.

It has really upset her and her mother after seeing 10-15 other classmates (with confirmed lower SATs) get accepted to LSA on Friday. In hindsight, we are kicking ourselves that she should have applied LSA to get into the university and then come back during year 1 to apply for the College of Engineering.

From reading through the threads here, it appears there are more spaces still available in LSA for regular decision. I’m unsure if this is even possible (and today would probably be the deadline) but has there been any history of people updating their admission college choice at the 11th hour to help their chances of getting into the school? I’m debating how advisable it would be to switch from Eng to LSA at this point.

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So I don’t recall anyone doing this. You might want to speak to an admissions counselor in LSA and ask. There also might be somethings else those kids had in their essays or activity that set them apart. Being a Val sometimes can work against you. They might be thinking Michigan is a fall back.

You can also talk to the admissions in engineering to get some perspective.

At the bottom of the link is Mr Echos. He’s a great resource.

But pulling your app and then reapplying would that take away the sat score or would it just be added when they see your second app?

I know you don’t think of it as gaming the system but they might. You can ask the question without giving your name…

But… For perspective… What was her highest math and her highest science like physics?

Sorry here’s the link

Thanks for the reply. Per your question, she’s in AP Chem and AP statistics now. Their school cancelled the opportunity to take AP Calc this year and forced everyone into Stats instead.

I’m absolutely worried that what I’m suggesting would be seen as intending to “game the system”. My fear is that she wrote an essay about Industrial Engineering and a shift to LSA would take her out of any consideration to get into the school.

Edit - also, thank you for providing the link.

My son’s graduating this year in Industrial (IOE)…

So she didn’t have physic c or any Calc class?

This is something I would address. Her AO for the school should know this but might need to be reminded of it… They definitely want the engineering kids to Start at Calc 1. Stats is looked at as an easy AP.

Talk to Brian and address this head on. You might get a lady (forgot her name) in engineering undergraduate admissions, she’s pretty knowledgeable. It sounds like your school is a feeder and normally for instate they want like 1400 sat and engineering higher.

But… This is a strange year to say the least.

If you stay the course after talking to both admissions… In your loci without making excuses address the change in math since that’s way beyond your control, address the last minute sat but without excuses and really let them know she wants to be there. If she spoke to a professor and can cite that or anyone that helps. I am sure sats are not being overly looked at this year.

Why should she be accepted and what can she add to the university community…?How will she be an active participant in the university at large.


Best response in the history of CC!

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were you accepted into um dearborn or um flint?

I applied to flint, but I didn’t get an acceptance letter yet.

i suspect that you got the email because you were accepted into flint. UM dearborn sent me that email when i was accepted there. UM ann arbor did not send me that email when i was accepted

has anyone who has been accepted to ann arbor not received an email?

You are putting personal information on a public site. You might want to use the little pencil lower left and take out your name and ID number


I was recently accepted into umich LS&A, and was wondering if anyone knows what the “next step” should be.

I already set up my wolverine access, and was looking to find dates and deadlines for housing, however, I found that I have to submit a tuition deposit in order to receive a housing form. I received the HAIL scholarship, so I don’t pay tuition or put down a deposit, so I’m confused on how I should go about this.

Does anyone else have this problem?


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No problem! Thank you for the great information!!

Does anyone know when the next round of decisions comes out for those deferred in EA?

As great Michigan is, I don’t think it is worth it if you are planning on attending med school. You don’t want to be indebted to student loans. I have a friend who graduated with 250K in student loans over 20 years ago and he still has over 100K left even after refinancing. Granted, everyone manages money and time differently. I don’t know if you want that hanging over your head when you want to buy your first home, start a family, take a vacation and save for retirement. I worked 6 days a week after graduating from a state optometry school and lived at home so I can pay my student loans off ASAP. Your loan payments could be a down payment on a house. It boggles my mind when I hear people graduate with hundreds of thousands in student loans. That is a mortgage. You will likely be living like a student for several more years after residency and fellowship. Good luck!

Can you add me as well? D19 is in Kines. Thanks!